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Ashelia Kallista

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically age 15, in actuality, closer to 7

Identifying Characteristics

A blue tattoo up her right arm and chest

Apparel & Accessories

Ashe favors expensive, fine garments.

Specialized Equipment

Emperor's robes, a powerful item that appears invisible to creatures with low wisdom

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ashe was born in 1465dr on the prime material plane of Toril. She was born as a magical clone of Lilith, a local lord of the lands around Westruun in the Desarin valley. Ashe aged very quickly and began to acquire Lilith's memories, however her mother's servitor (a Djinn hiding from her father named Naji) quickly took to mothering the infant Tiefling and realized that she could not let Ashe be consumed by Lilith should she die in her adventures.   Ashe had the same realization when she came to the conclusion that was indeed her fate, she fled at no more than 1 year old, physically being only about 7. She managed to talk her way into an adventuring group, and over the course of the next 3 weeks reached physical maturity. Naji managed to locate the fleeing ward and took her some place the magic of Lilith couldn't reach her: The Plane of Air.   She lived in the palace of the Sheik (or Sultan) Aheroj Velozir, Naji's father for a number of years, meeting many strange people and creatures and experiencing any pleasures she desired; art, music, wine, drugs, fine clothes, a Gen servant of her own, men or women should she wish it. In her fifth year living in the Sultan's Comfort, Naji's youngest brother, the newborn Djinni prince Zephamos was kidnapped, apparently by Ifreeti.   Ashe was the only witness to this event close up, and she realized that the Ifreeti were "wrong", it was like they were illusions, and they manner of their arrival was a dark portal that led to some kind of structure of stone, not a hot portal to the plane of fire. The Sultan was in no mood to listen to a mortal, nor were Naji's older relatives, they had wanted an excuse to war with rival Ifreeti houses for years and set about doing so - only Naji had faith in Ashe. The two of them identified the place where the portal had come from: The prime material plane, a place called Exandria. Naji had no way to get Ashe there, so she did something very reckless, she had Ashe use a Wish.   This resulted in Ashe arriving out of time and out of position, discombobulated, and unsure of when or where she needed to be. A magic artifact provided by Naji would allow her friend to summon her to Exandria when she arrived in the right time and place, and an earring protected her from Lilith taking over her body. Naji had intended to send a vast retinue of servants and guards, with tens of thousands of gold in wealth with Ashe, however none of that arrived - Ashe was left with the clothes on her back and some meager possessions.

Gender Identity





Ashe gained all the memories of education from her mother that she would need, Naji and the vast libraries of the Sultan's palace filled in the rest of the gaps


Protectorate Specialist (30gp/month pay, free room and board in any Tal'dorei military base) Agent of the Eye (45gp/month pay)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ashe once had a relationship with Zieraj, a young silver dragon in the guise of a silver-haired Avariel, residing in sultan Velozir's palace in the plane of air. The two spent an indeterminate amount of time together, as the sultan abhored keeping time and the ever-bright skyscape never betrayed its passage. Zieraj was shocked to discover Ashe's age and first suggested getting a mystical tattoo to open up her connection to sorcerous energies. In their time together Zieraj also taught Ashe how to make the beautiful glass instruments of the Avariel elves.

Mental Trauma

She realized she was a clone, she had to go through all the stages of life very fast. She did not get a childhood.

Intellectual Characteristics

Confident yet Realistic, she is willing to take on any challenge she is or could be capable of but is just as willing to leave if things take a turn for the worst. She will likely never be the "hero" ready to sacrifice themselves for someone else.

Morality & Philosophy

Ashe believes in doing good and helping those in need, but they should be willing to help themselves. She will not invest significant effort into helping people who aren't interested in earning it.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to reconnect with Naji, and rescue Naji's little brother

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes people using her full name

Vices & Personality flaws

Insists on incredible luxury to her own detriment.   She considers herself superior to most others but won't vocalize it as to avoid unnecessary conflict. This is only made worse by Gale's worship of her.

Personality Quirks

She considers anyone who is unwise enough to see her robe as to be beneath her intellectually.


Ashe is used to a luxurious lifestyle and keeps herself clean


Contacts & Relations

Najimas: A young djinn who feels responsible for Ashe and maternal towards her   Gale: A Gen created specifically to serve Ashe. She is much stronger in the plane of air, akin to an air elemental with minor spellcasting.

Family Ties

Lilith: Ashe's mother, Ashe has many of Lilith's memories and gained her spellcasting from her mother.

Religious Views

Feels a reverence towards the dawn titan Akadi

Social Aptitude

Refined mannerisms and often mistaken for a noble
Year of Birth
821 PD 22 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Magically created from an amulet
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Reddish Pink
5' 10"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Infernal, Primordial


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