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Thyra Permafrost

Thyra is a large, good aligned frost giant. Though small for her kind, she is one of the few that cares for the common folk.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scars from many battles, but young and healthy.

Special abilities

Superior perception for a giant

Apparel & Accessories

In her home climate, large, well sewn garments of great furs and leathers - self made if possible. In warmer climates she armors herself as well as able and little else. In hot climates even the armor may be dispensed with.

Specialized Equipment

Gurt's Greataxe - An axe forged for the sole purpose of crushing the empires of man. Crafted by giants for giants - taken from a dead fire giant.   Thyra's Greatbow - Carved from a single piece of Feywild Heartwood, this 16' tall bow reduces in size to a more manageable level when stowed on her back. Only a titanic and very strong creature could use this   Great Arrows - Thyra has 10 magical great arrows that never break   Realmslicer - This magical scimitar cuts effortlessly through most materials. Thyra considers this a backup weapon, or tool to be employed against creatures such as Fire Giant Dreadnoughts or to cut through difficult giant-forged locks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thyra is an approximately 200 year old (biological age 64) frost giant scout, originally from Toril, but has at various points lived in the frozen seas of multiple prime material planes on her father's massive Icebreaker, when not settled in a permanent community.   She learned to use a bow from a friendly storm giant who encouraged her, and even gave her a massive greatbow as a gift, along with a quiver of enchanted arrows that never break.   While scouting Chult for the Ring of Winter on Toril, she found herself flung to Exandria and lost in the jungle. She found a freezing underground spring and slept there until being discovered by adventurers. Eventually she was trapped in the astral plane with one of them, and devoured by an astral dreadnought. After what must have been over a century, Mind Flayers breached the stomach of this beast, where an un-aging Thyra lived life as a queen of sorts of the people that resided there, an entire community.   She spent the next years living in an astral arena, accessible from the city of doors, fighting enemies of all kinds for the amusement of her master, before one day escaping.   Finding herself back on Exandria, she joined an organization called The Protectorate. Having seen the stars and wandered the realms in solitude, she realized the error of her people's ways, and sought to protect the smallfolk of the north from their aggression, and to kill Fire Giants whenever the opportunity arrived - for some coin of course, living as a gladiator champion instilled a certain lifestyle preference on the once humble giant.

Gender Identity





Trained in archery by a storm giant princess, trained in hunting and scouting by her father, trained in leatherworking by her mother.


Protectorate Specialist

Accomplishments & Achievements

Victor of a hundred gladiatorial matches in the astral sea, survivor of an astral dreadnought, slayer of the beholder of Chult

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to capture the ring of winter in chult, humiliation before her clan, turned to ice by artus cimber and needed to be rescued.

Mental Trauma

Enslaved by the illithid Altraxican for his own amusement, once she realized the gladiator battles were merely sport and not a true test of strength, she grew incredibly self-loathing and bitter for having been fooled by the mental manipulations

Intellectual Characteristics

Forward thinking and perceptive for a notoriously backward-looking race.

Morality & Philosophy

One's strength does not give one the right to impose their will on others, only the righteousness of their heart.


Killing her own kin, especially her own family.

Personality Characteristics


Thyra's desire to rule and conquer from her heritage clashes with her beliefs about the value of freedom. She hopes to prove herself worthy in body and soul that the Allfather might find her a place in the Twin Paradises of Bytopia when her time is through.   She seeks the Ring of Winter, in order to bring evil giants to their knees with an overwhelming display of power that minimizes bloodshed.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes bows, hunting, well crafted fur and leather garments   Hates the heat

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Loves dwarven ale - a lot of it.


She always keeps her leathers and weapons clean first, herself second, and her dwelling third. Years of luxury have led to a preference to pay others to do all three, if possible.

Wealth & Financial state

A few powerful and rare magical items and some coin
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
630 PD 213 Years old
Toril, the Sea of Moving Ice
Glowing blue pupil
Long, light blue hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1550 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Giant, Gith


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