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Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon

Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, being considered the first of their kind.He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons. While mortals generally use silver dragons to represent Bahamut (since their scales are the most similar to platinum among the metallic dragons), the divine form of the Platinum Dragon is different: he appears as a gargantuan true dragon of immense wingspan and vibrant platinum scales, although with a combination of features unlike any other, and surrounded by a shiny iridescent aura. The common symbol of Bahamut is a shield with brilliant silver dragon head in profile.The worshipers often carve this symbol to protect themselves during their holy missions. Bahamut is accompanied by two colors — white and silver, which is also the usual color pallette his followers wear. Bahamut was among the The Prime Deitieswho fought against the Betrayer Gods. Following the Dawn War, in which Bahamut helped defend Vasselheim, the platinum dragon shed a tear for the sacrifices his devoted followers had made in the war. From that tear was born a crystal, the Star of Exaltation, which was preserved for millennia, until shortly after 510 PD, when the city came under a terrible siege. The crystal was used as a focus in a ritual to bring Bahamut's intervention to defend Vasselheim, and this expended the last of the crystal's power and destroyed it on the Material Plane.


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