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The Diamond Curse

The story of The Diamond Curse.   There is a woman who know not of who she is. She has a memory problem and can only recall the last few years. The earliest memory she can recall is her hitting a boulder in a big battle. And when she woke up, she was surrounded by her team and every one of them was killed. It was not a pretty sight. She feels as though it is her fault but so upset she don't know what happened. She crys out tears of sorrow and screams with agony. Wishing she died with them.   Fast forward some time, now she's thieving to survive, but still taking care of the "little guy". She gives to the poor and takes food for kids. She really has a good heart and only steals if necessary.   One day, she joins this group of thieves called The Clasp. The top crime syndicate of Tal'dorei.   She feels like an outsider but it's with other outsiders too. It's very love/hate with this group but it helps secure certain jobs with higher payouts. The higher the payout, the more good she can do.   One day... she hears of a mysterious Diamond necklace....   This necklace was no ordinary diamond necklace but one with great power. It was spoken to do many great enchantments. Like she heard some say it could heal people, others say it could wipe her enemy's out with one breath from the tongue another said it could even bring people back to life.   The Diamond Curse sought after this. Thinking it could revive her memory, bring back her freinds (which is basically her family) and do a lot of good for people... But... it was hidden and impossible to get. There were guards and traps. They say it may even be protected by a mighty warrior, some say dragons others say angels. No matter was was said... they always said It was an EXTREMELY difficult piece to get. What no one understood though, was if something that beautiful existed... why was it never displayed and always hidden?   One day... she caught a very lucky break. Some thieves heard of her great abilities...even saying she was one of the best members they had. They found a map and 3 of her other acquaintances wanted to bring her along to get it.   After many months of traveling and searching going from one map to another map, the team was running out of hope. It seemed like the necklace would never be found.   However...they had one last peice of information. They had to get it from one of the oldest wizards in the region. He may have the final clue.   This Wizard was tough and did not want to be disturbed. When they showed up he told them to leave and he won't use his ancient magic on them. Instead... They broke in late in the night and forced the Wizard to drink a magic potion to get it out the secrets of this old and great wizard. He told them where the last and final map would be, but warned them if the terror it could cause.   They found the map where the Wizard spoke it would be and led them to a deep and dark dungeon underneath the most well-known castle of its time. It was the most well secured place in the world.   The team got there hopes up again... and they started dreaming of what they would each do with the necklace. Some said they would kill there enemies (good or bad people) and others said they want to make people into there personal slaves. They spoke of great evil things. In the end...they all agreed to share it and do what they wanted with it before they sold it to the highest bidder.   After arriving on the continent of Issylra and about 3 days before they reached the Dungeon. She had a visit in a dream from her Angel. She only said " Do not wear the necklace". Then left.   At the castles dungeon, they secretly made there way around the hundreds of guards. Leaped over drawbridges, traps, and hurtles that were even more difficult than they imagined..   Sikkiah, the Diamond Curses somewhat of a love interest, but mostly a passionate freind, fell behind. Sikkiah was one of the only other ones that had somewhat of a good heart. Even though she wanted to kill an enitre village because how mean they were to her being a trans-woman, she always wanted to give her gold and silver to orphans and start a place protecting other kids like herself. However... she made one wrong move and one of the other thieves seemingly tried to grab her hand but let go and she fell into the pit of zombie orcs. The diamond Curse tried so hard to get to her but it was too late and they had to hurry.   Eventually... they had made it. After her team distracted the dragon..... they had her steal the prized possession... the diamond necklace. Oddly, it was by itself. No gold or riches or any other prized possessios. It was in a dark closed room...not even the dragon could see it. Lit by a flame, she dodged and leaped. Being scraped and wounded by all the obstacles. As good of a thief she was... death barely escaped her. She finally grabbed it. Her injuries were bad and had no way to carry the necklace out. Every ounce of her clothing was ripped and she couldn't take the chance of putting it somewhere just to lose it on the way   Even though her Angel told her not to wear the necklace....she puts it on.   It goes dark. Her Angel reappears and said. "I told you not to wear it... it..."   Immediately, interrupting the other Angels words... this dark being comes out and says... "You seek know not of this power! It's a curse to wear such a thing you have no idea what it is!"   That's when the necklace gets ingrained into her suit and skin. Never to be taken off again.The being comes closer and says. " YOU HAVE BEEN CURSED WITH THESE DIAMONDS!! PEOPLE WILL ONLY SEE YOU AS A THIEF!! WHAT GOOD SAMARITAN IS A THIEF!" She's out of the dungeon and outside of the castle. Her people are left inside... she wants to help them but they get captured by the guards. They see her.... but instead of her helping them... knowing they would her do terrible things. She runs away. Trying to get as far away as possible.   One day while traveling... she has a vision. It was her in childhood. Her mom was teaching her how to take something. Then she came back to reality. She now remembered her Mom but has this anger that she forced her to be a thief. This causes great pain for the thief.   After months of traveling.. she finds herself at the The Whispering Dove
Type: Player Character     Character Information     Name: The Diamond Curse     Pronouns: she/her     Also known as: Mask (by Horen Vol), Outcast (by Waldo Waldron Earthwanderer)       Creature type: Humanoid     Race: Scourge Aasimar   Class: Thief   Age: 25-30 (in 837 PD)     Alignment: Chaotic Good     Languages: Common,Celestial,Thieves Can't     Place: Drynna, The Whispering Dove     Connections: The Clasp, The Party


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