Charlotte / "Ribbons"

Charlotte / "Ribbons"

First Appearance: January 16, 2022   Campaigns:
1) Citadel of the Unseen Sun

Status: Undead

Charlotte   On Session 20, the team makes it to the surface and Ribbons comes face-to-face with her humanoid counterpart: Charlotte. Since the last time they had crossed ways, Charlotte had been turned into a vampire and she was convinced Ribbons was a demon who had murdered her sister and family. Upon assessing her situation, Ribbons realized she was outmatched and so she took the offer Charlotte made: If Ribbons genuinely cared about their family, she would allow herself to be killed.   Ribbons and Charlotte merged after this, through magics that remain unclear. From then on, the new person, who retained the memories of both Ribbons and Charlotte, simply referred to herself as Charlotte since it was her first name and the other one was tied to bad memories (which would come out much later in the campaign).   The crew accepts what has happened, though Dorothy retains some obvious apprehensions over bringing a vampire along. They leave for Riven, and they stay at the Smokey Mare Tavern and Inn, where they are hired to hunt down a hag. Charlotte sells Ribbons' tiara during this time.   Charlotte meets Countess Khrystyana Petrovskaya during this time, who is a vampire. She seems nice and Charlotte takes an immediate liking to her.   The team takes a boat and goes after the hag, but they soon realize that they are going to have to deal with three hags instead. Crocodiles attack, Remy is almost dragged to his death, but Charlotte saves him by stabbing the crocodile with her knife. It is in the knick of time, too, as Remy was about to drown.   Upon ending the battle, the hags speak to the crew. They learn that things are not as clear-cut as they'd been told and the hags say they will speak to them if they send a singular representative. The team leaves.   Charlotte decides to stay with Countess Khrystyana Petrovskaya, and Anastasia says she will join her there. The others head to the inn to spend the night.

Duchess of Diamonds, Lady of the Sapphire Palace, Baroness of the Sea and Sky, Viscountess of Righteousness, Princess Premiere of the Emarté.

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