Evalina Everton

Evalina Everton

First Appearance: March 31, 2022   Campaigns:
1) Thursday Night Wildemount

Status: Deceased

Thursday Night Wildemount

The Ruins of Sepesca

Shortly after Vera Ven'talia left The Wayfaring Wanderers / The Septenary, the team would travel toward Sepesca in hopes of finding the ruins so that they could retrieve a magical spear for The Storehouse. They end up tracking a poacher in the area and attempt to fight him, which is when we first meet Evalina Everton.   Evalina flies in from overhead and helps defeat the poacher, who it appears she has been tracking for quite some time. She witnesses firsthand when Bharrik is decapitated and brought back to life by Ham, a cleric in the group.   Also in this team is Spark, Bharrik's sister, and Helubrum, an older dragonborn who Evalina finds untrustworthy almost right away. Finally, founding off the team is Righteous, a "cowardly human" as far as Evalina is concerned.   She presents herself as a well-educated aristocrat with a bit of a self-righteous and pompous arrogance about her. It was easy to be put off by her personality, but her skills in combat made her worth keeping around for the Sepesca job.   During their initial meeting, we find out that Evalina is an inventor who made her own gear and seems quite intelligent and well-read. Righteous chose to dupe Evalina into drinking from a charmed glass which forced her to be upfront and honest. This act is something Evalina never forgives, as it begins a long rivalry between the duo.   We also meet Edgar, who is Evalina's raccoon familiar. He wears a red bowtie and performs a lot of butler-like tasks such as grooming Evalina's hair and cleaning her armor when she isn't using it.   The team rescues a man named Rowan, who it turns out is a lot like Evalina in that he is an inventor of sorts. Together, this ragtag team enters the ruins.   Along the way, several important things happen: Ham is possessed and killed. As a means of saving Spark from death, Evalina and Helubrum perform a ritual that somehow results in the two of them being "married" by their respective deities. The two of them are given an orb-like entity (a "babygod") to raise, referred to by the deities as "The Young One."   The baby is officially named by her new parents as "Amelia 'Emma' Helenbrum Everton."   Spark eventually discovers the spear, unleashing it to find a new owner after she refused to accept ownership of it. Spark and Rowan discover a portal to Port Damali and the team uses it to arrive there.

Following a Lead

When they arrive in Port Damali, the team gets paid by their benefactor who sent them to find the spear, and this is when they first learn of the organization called The Storehouse, who they begin taking jobs from.   While the rest of her team heads to the Nest to find information on Rowan's family, Evalina uses this opportunity to do some research in Port Damali. Although it is not seen, we learn that she has created a device to listen in on magical communications. She used this to pick up a signal mentioning "Theo, there's a mess on the western sewer area, please clean it up."   She knew that name from having heard it from Helubrum, so she followed the lead to find 27 scorched and sliced bodies arranged in an arrow headed west. She also witnessed a large, red-skinned creature with black horns emerge from the sewers. Their wings were black-boned with pink leathery skin between them. The creature looked horrified by what happened to the bodies and picked up a hat with a note nearby. Upon placing it on their head, they became an old white-haired man with a hump on their back.   Evalina followed him until he had met up with a blond high elf wizard. She could match the description to the one Helubrum had made mention of before. She overheard an argument, in which the wizard wanted the disguised man to take him to Hupperdook.   Evalina continued to follow. She would watch, night after night, taking notes on the behaviors. She listened as the wizard eventually spoke of events that could only have been the massacre at "The Nest" which Helubrum had mentioned to her before. The wizard had mentioned his only regret was not killing his traveling companions as it made his life difficult. However, he did produce a head and stated, "Say hello, Zara." He used this as a teaching tool for the one called "Belden" mentioning that friends were an illusion.   She followed them and witnessed other things, too, including an encounter with the one called "Gravant" but when the wizard left for the Amber Crossroads she decided she had what she had come for...information to bring Helubrum.

Death at Darktow

When her team returns to Port Damali, Evalina shares several portions of what she learned with her "arranged marriage" husband. It seems this information might also have been shared with Vera during a conversation the two had together. It is also understood that during this downtime Evalina would have constructed a gift for her daughter and left a note with it, as this was the only prolonged period of time that such an invention could have been made. This would later be an item discovered by other characters and passed along; first, to Peppy Sparkles who might have received it from a family member; then, to Queen Honeystarr who is said to have been rewarded the item during a cheerleading competition; finally, to Queen Elvania...who eventually took it to Gilmore's in hopes that it might one day be reunited with its creator's daughter, who appears to have been the original intended inheritor.   After speaking with Helubrum, Evalina shares information with everyone else about an object that was found. Kira believes it to be alien in nature and offers to take it into safeguarding. Kira, also, leaves the team with a ship ("The Spark"), and Mordecai captains it into Darktow.   Being a former pirate, Mordecai knows the area particularly very well. Bharrik makes mention of hoping to check out some nearby islands in regard to a letter from his patron. The team agrees to handle this after Darktow, but they won't be able to as Darktow will prove to become the team's undoing.   In hopes of finding Rowan's parents, the team makes it to the pirate island. As a result, Thursday instigates the very first Baloghverse multi-session crossover event known as "The Siege on Darktow."   Upon arriving, Evalina and Rowan team up to meet the pirate leader and take up work by posing as inventors intent on helping him creator a powerful weapon. Meanwhile, they are actually doing research against the Pirate King.   During the moments of levity, the crew enjoys wild magic shots of whiskey that cause transformations and Evalina learns how to play "Truth or Dare" from Spark.   Spark, who has been messing with magic beans for the majority of her stay with the team, eventually summons a giant pyramid. The team decides it must be dealt with immediately, despite Evalina's hesitancies.   They enter inside, get in way over their heads, and soon realize they are trapped and cannot easily exit this place. A fight ensues, in which they are clearly outmatched, and the roof of the pyramid soon caves in which leads to the immediate deaths of Rowan, Bharrik, Mordecai, Silent Wave, Spark, Helubrum and Evalina. In their final acts, Helubrum and Evalina safeguard their child to ensure her survival, sacrificing their own lives and bodies to ensure their daughter is safe.


Amelia Everton later appears during another campaign when they come upon the pyramid ruins. She takes her mother's armor and belongings before leaving. It is understood she has been raised by Kira, even though she had family in Rexxentrum.   The last time Evalina is mentioned is during Saturday Night Tal'dorei's 66th session (June 24, 2023), almost a full real world year after her character's death. In the session, Queen Elvania offers a trade at Gilmore's in Westruun to help a teammate obtain a new leg. Queen Elvania asks Gilmore's to look into the actual inheritor of the item, as she is certain that whoever it is will pay top dollar to obtain it.   The attached note is read during the item's exchange, revealing the words of that letter to be as follows:   My dearest daughter,   If you are reading this letter it means I am no longer with you in this realm. My time has come to an end, but my love for you will forever endure. Please remember that though I am absent, my spirit will be with you in all things. I am leaving this item in your capable care. May it defend you and bring you great victory in your many adventures to come.   My dear sweet 'Emma' Helenbrum Everton   Your mother, Evalina

It is believed that the reason Queen Elvania might not have been able to locate Amelia on her own was due to the use of the name 'Emma' as a nickname for Evalina's daughter. Queen Elvania was still very new to the concept of magic during that particular session.

Wealthy aristocratic superhero with a bow-tied raccoon sidekick, who raised a god-baby with Casanova Helubrum before dying in a luck-of-the-dice pyramid collapse.

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