Nahla Elanavi

Nahla Elanavi

First Appearance: November 19, 2022   Campaigns:
1) Saturday Night Tal'dorei

Status: Alive

Nahla Elanavi replaced Dizzy Honeystarr when Dizzy left the Menagerie to return to her Fey Realm. She had known both Dizzy and Elenthel from their time in Whitestone together (shortly before the events of the campaign).   During her tenure as a member of the Menagerie, she was often used as their main tank and dealt heavy damage against enemies with her primal rage and vorpal sword. After discovering a group of abandoned, orphaned children along their path, Nahla adopted them so as to provide for them a life. She was haunted by the death of her own son, who was slaughtered by a Red Dragon, and she often expressed her dislike toward those creatures.   Ttoward the end of her time with the team, she changed her stance on this a bit... going so far as to make a deal with a dragon while promising to aid another in exchange for a gift to Honeystarr for the Fey Queen's aid in protecting her new children when it appeared all hope was lost. She would leave the Menagerie as it entered Westruun, opting to return to the Rivermaw and fight against those who intended to enslave her family.

Likes hitting things, especially dragons.

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