
Queen Honeystarr

First Appearance: February 26, 2022   Campaigns:
1) Saturday Night Tal'dorei
2) Thursday Night Blightshore

Status: Unknown

Honeystarr, who began as one of the founding members of the Menagerie before discovering her past in the Feywilds, originally appeared as a satyr nicknamed "Dizzy." She was an inquisitive, happy-go-lucky fey creature who took great happiness in trying to understand the weird world of the material plane.   Upon returning to the Feywilds, however, Dizzy came face-to-face with her past: A former life in which she was a pixie named Honeystarr who had fled her home due to a darkness sweeping her realm.   Along with this came memories of a terrible deed she had done against man named Rumbleguard. With heavy guilt over what she had done, she spiraled into a dark place before having a heroic turn where she saved the Menagerie by opening a portal to her realm to resolve an overwhelming darkness in the material planes.   While back home in her realm (referred to as "The Realm of Firsts"), she led an army against the Shadowfell and managed to push them outside of her realm after 100 years of conflict. She would later return to the material plane in a place called Rotthold, where she learned the art of cheerleading from Peppy Sparkles. Later, she was chosen to be a member of the Rotthold Ambassadors, attempting to unite the Blightshore, which she saw as reminiscent of the struggles her own realm had had against the Shadowfell. While there, she helped open a portal to the Realm of Firsts in a library, which supposedly still exists in Rotthold.   After regaining her lost memories, she left to confront Rumbleguard in Tal'dorei. Along the way, she came across the Menagerie and she once again saved their lives by calling forth her allies (a goblin army she had forged an alliance with in the Blightshore). From there, she left to Westruun and again would meet up with the Menagerie to make a plan to take on Rumbleguard. Sadly, that plan never saw fruition and the team found itself split up.   While on her own, Honeystarr confronted Rumbleguard, believing she could save him and redeem herself in the process. Her plan, however, failed. Her head was kept as a trophy by her arch nemesis, while the remains of her were dumped in an alley. She was succeeded by Elvania, who took her place in the Menagerie and inherited her realm as its new queen.   Last we heard, Honeystarr's soul was lost in another dimension, and even a cleric as powerful as Mother Esmé was unable to restore her life as a result.

"Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?"

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