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Ioun, The Knowing Mistress

Revered by seers, sages, and teachers of all walks of life, Ioun guided the growth of civilization throughout the Age of Arcanum like sunlight guides the branches of a tree. Grievously wounded by the Chained Oblivion during the Calamity, her followers are now hunted by agents of her ancient foes as she recovers. Her devout now worship in private, spreading knowledge, philosophy, and lore anonymously through traceless channels.

Ioun sits among the infinite library that fills the hidden realm of the Endless Athenaeum, her celestial servants cataloging all known things as she inspires those who pray for her insight and guidance.


Common representations show the Knowing Mentor as a graying, mature woman with a welcoming, matronly smile, swathed in billowing robes and scarves that fan into books and scrolls. Some colloquially refer to Ioun as the Knowing Mistress, revering her as a headmistress of knowledge among the gods.

Holy Day.

Ioun has no public holy day, for her public worship was shattered during the Calamity, and she has since fallen into half-remembered myth. Only in the monasteries of the Cobalt Soul has the Knowing Mentor's faith been resurrected—though her worship by the intellectuals of the city bears little resemblance to that of the knowledge-seekers of old.

Commandments of Ioun

  • Unmask those who would destroy Ioun. Learn their secrets and unveil them to the world.
  • Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one's emotions and path.
  • Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish liars.


  • Arcana
  • Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Pair of open eyes crowned with a third open eye

Divine Classification
Prime Deity



Knowledge, learning, teaching

Pair of open eyes crowned with a third open eye


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