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Augen Trust

The Augen Trust is the Dwendalian crown's spy network. It is in some ways a competitive force with The Cobalt Soul , in that they frequently butt heads, often finding themselves in similar spaces going for similar information, but for different reasons. The Augen Trust are very competitive and tense about achieving their own unique ends. The Augen Trust and the Volstrucker network also check each other's power, despite nominally being on the same side.

The secret head of the Augen Trust is Oliver Schreiber.


Sample levels: 1-4

An initiate of the Dwendalian Empire’s elite spy network, a Chosen Eye is the first step to becoming a loyal, unbreakable servant of the Augen Trust.

An individual may become invited to become a Chosen Eye through assisting (unknowingly) in missions that further the Empire’s goals and desires, such as arresting imperial dissenters, exposing secrets of the Cerberus Assembly that make the Crown look more appealing, or fighting/capturing/killing Empire traitors or Kryn Dynasty members.


Sample levels: 5-8

After assisting the Augen Trust in infiltration, obtaining information and secrets, and drawing out imperial dissidents, a Chosen Eye is deemed ready to advance in the ranks of the faction and become a Prime Blade.

An individual may be eligible to become a Prime Blade after having completed several missions on behalf of the Augen Trust, perhaps having also foiled a small rebellion in an imperial town or arrested citizens planning to sow discord by violently dissenting.


Sample levels: 9-12

As the Prime Blade climbs the ranks of the Augen Trust and proves themself to be a loyal member and citizen of the Dwendalian Empire, their access to resources expands, and they become a Cardinal Protector.  

Membership of a Cardinal Protector can become available after shutting down a plot to assassinate a powerful imperial official (not necessarily the king), having completed several missions on behalf of the Augen Trust, or quelling rebellions in various towns or strengthening the Empire’s hold over cities where it’s not as strong (autonomous cities such as Hupperdook, Bysaes Tyl, Grimgolir, or the Velvin Thicket).


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