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Blooming Grove

Six miles northwest of Shadycreek Run, deep in the Savalirwood, a centuries-old willow grove and small temple have held back the curse that darkens these woods. The Clay family, heralds to the Wildmother and the Archeart, built this holy place as a funeral grove of renewal, designed to return the bodies of the fallen to nature while letting their spirits move on. Each bloodline that is interred among the swampy ponds and vibrant leaves nurtures a wholly unique flower, giving the location the macabre nickname of the Bone Orchard

Time does not stand still, however. The curse of the wood has eaten away at the holy boundaries of the grove. Dark vines and thorns reclaim layer on layer of fences and grave markers, pushing the once-expansive grove into a small patch of defiant green at the base of the temple. Only one of the keepers remained to watch over the decay of their grove, and now this priest, named Caduceus, has left in the hopes of discovering a way to reclaim the orchard and the ancestry it protects in the name of Melora.

The Grove is surrounded by the cursed blighted woods of the Savalirwood. The old stone temple is surrounded by three consecutive rings of five-foot tall rusted iron-bar fence built to hold back the continually encroaching razor-like grey-purple thorn vines. The fences were placed up over time to block out the corruption but as they failed, more interior fences were raised up.

The magic containing this area maintains the vegetation even in winter and changes the winter trees, swamp and bog-like dense vegetation to unique and varied flowers, green oaks, and a humid summer-like air. "It is an unexpected and extreme shift in temperature and weather. There is something unnatural, or at least magical, that maintains this little pocket of untouched paradise. ... [There] are small pools and bits of bog where the soft greens and browns of compost fall into green, thick, algae-covered bits of water."

On the far end, towards the core northern side of the area, is a 20 by 30 feet stone building like an old stone steeple. It stands windowless and open, each open window overgrown with green vines and leaves. The building has an old wooden single four-feet wide door. The front southeast side has a single, once-filled, arched window. The structure has a stone roof and is surrounded by old gravestones. It was around 100-150 feet from the steeple to the most outer ring of fencing.

There are dozens and dozens of stone tablets, about a foot to two feet high, with bits of script across them, that have partially fallen or leaning. Some of those buried there included:
  • 100, 200, 400 and 500 year old elven graves.
  • A ten year old grave containing the elvish name of Tyriel Casala.
  • Generations of members from a textile family known as Costala or Casala. Their graves grew red-purple flowers for tea.
  • A follower of Ioun named Ulysses. He wasn't buried by Caduceus.
  There are at least three hot springs at the Grove: hot water, cold water, and a big one that's both. One of the springs is the Sacred Spring of the Unknown Champion, the resting place of the head of the champion whose interment was the reason for the creation of the Grove.
Nick Name
The Bone Orchard
Greying Wildlands 
Owning Organization
Clay Family


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