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Brokenveil Marsh

The sheer cliffs and ravines of the Brokenveil Bluffs  were created when the Dunrock Mountains  and the Ashkeeper Peaks  were sundered in the Calamity. Between these precipices, a dense morass of thick, stinking marshland claims the valley floor. Gnarled trees and tangle vines clutter the shaded canyons, while sucking mud pits and buzzing insects make travel a slow and arduous experience. All kinds of swamp beasts and sinking muck traps threaten to swallow those who trespass in the marsh, and filthy bluff harpies are eager to pluck away stragglers.

The marsh is a comfortable home for horizonback tortoises, so the challenge often lies in perceiving which dry mound in the Brokenveil is an actual hill and which is the shell of a territorial monster.

A Buffer of Battle

The marsh helps discourage the eastern expansion of the Dwendalian Empire  and deters Kryn Dynasty  from pushing farther west. However, nearly two decades of skirmishes between these nations have left many soldiers on both sides buried in the marsh, their bodies forever lost to the dark muck. The Kryn’s recent victory at the Ashguard Garrison has given them control over the marsh and a foothold in the enemy territory beyond it.

Included Location


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