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Children of Malice

In the echoing stillness that followed the Divergence, the ruined lands of the surface retained remnants of civilizations trying to rebuild their world from the ashes. Below, however, the surviving children of Lolth could feel her presence fade with her banishment. The chains she held over her drow were weakened, and those who had found renewed faith and purpose in the discovery of the The Luxon abandoned their terrible mistress and slowly climbed their way to the surface to reclaim Ghor Dranas and be rid of their spiteful god for eternity.

Still reeling from her banishment to the Abyss, Lolth felt a rapid shift in her influence as these drow turned from her. Her fury burned with a poisonous hate, and she seethed in her webs as she plotted vengeance on her ungrateful and treasonous progeny. As time passed and her dark divinity gradually recovered, the Spider Queen set aside her pride in favor of her wish to punish; she began seducing the minds of goblinoids, beastfolk, and the wayward people of the wastes, creeping into their dreams and convincing them to love her, bending them to join in her violent hate for the rising Kryn Dynasty . She found drow who felt spurned by the Dens of the dynasty and preyed on their fears and insecurities, amplifying their xenophobia as the dynasty recruited more and more outsiders to their cause. Gradually, Lolth developed a new network of scattered worshipers, spies, and assassins. She calls them her Children of Malice, and they will gladly serve as the instruments of her revenge.

The Children of Malice aren’t numerous, but they are clever, driven, and directed by a god of pure hatred. They established hidden cabals throughout the fringes of Xhorhasian society, forming motley bands of Lolthite bugbears and hobgoblins who raid outlying Kryn settlements. Drow agents of Lolth have infiltrated even the highest echelons of Kryn society, slowly poisoning the dynasty both metaphorically and literally. The true extent of this infiltration is only now being uncovered within Rosohna, spreading fear throughout the dynasty as the war against the Dwendalian Empire continues to divide the attention of the Bright Queen between the enemy outside and the enemy within.

Figures of Interest

The Children of Malice vary dramatically in both appearance and methods.

Zyn Daev’yana
Lawful evil, male dark elf

Zyn was born in squalor in the Coronas of Rosohna. Lolth found him at his nadir and showed him how to refine himself into a true liar. He’s since risen to become one of the more even-tempered members of Den Daev’yana, climbing the ranks as a respected strategist and writer. Using his position to sew discord and doubt amongst the Dens, he privately communes with the Spider Queen as one of her most trusted operatives.

Ereldra Icozrin
Neutral evil, gender-fluid dark elf

A talented harpist lauded throughout Rosohna for their musical gifts, Ereldra worshiped the Luxon before they were betrayed by their own brother, who sabotaged their marriage to their wife. Lolth found Ereldra in their despair and molded them into a valuable spy. Ereldra weakens in the social foundation of the Dens by spreading rumors and telling lies.

Ironeye Jaglord Brukk
Lawful evil, male hobgoblin

A feared warlord who guides a nomadic band of Lolthite hobgoblin warriors, Jaglord honed the skills of his marauders in the broken lands of the Barbed Fields, where they brazenly attacked Kryn trade caravans and supply wagons before vanishing into the deadly fields. As his war band grew larger and more capable, he boldly led them farther south, eventually coming to rest within the Ghostlands outside Rosohna, where they now patiently await further orders from the Spider Queen.

Head Matron Vivurk Tonn
Neutral evil, female dark elf

Vivurk commands the drow houses and the hobgoblin horde that claim the mountainside stronghold of Dumaran. She rules with a bloody, iron fist in the image of her god to impose the same love and fear that characterized the drow societies of old. Ruthless and demanding, Head Matron Vivurk builds, trains, and prepares her forces to one day help Lolth strike down the Kryn Dynasty with delicious brutality.




The primary goal of the Children of Malice is to subjugate and dismantle the flourishing, Luxon-worshiping dark elf society in Xhorhas. They wish to raze everything the Kryn have built, crush their will, ruin the holy implements of the Luxon, and drag these broken, traitorous drow back under Lolth’s influence and command.   To achieve this goal, Lolth and her children know well the necessary tenets of secrecy, lies, and patience. Most of their spies are sleeper agents who wait in the shadows, quietly gaining converts while worming their way into the heart of Rosohna and awaiting the order to strike.  


    The Children of Malice have no formal alliances; they prefer to infiltrate other factions as part of their design to undermine the dynasty. Keeping their true nature hidden, members of the Children trade with outlying camps and townships across the Wastes for supplies and information. Thus, their informants are usually unaware they are informants as they trade gossip for goods and conversation, unwittingly feeding the enemy.
Secret, Religious sect


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