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Copper Brewer

You enter Copper Brewer, a shabby plaster potion shop with a straw roof. Looking around, Copper Brewer must have had an explosion the day before; there is no other possible reason that a shop that deals with magical, often volatile chemicals would be so cluttered, crowded, and blatantly a danger to itself and the half-mile radius surrounding it. There are pots and pans of mixtures that have already spilt over crowding the desk, with potions that are currently brewing strewn around the floor. There's little hope to walk through the shop without putting your boot in something that you probably would prefer not to put it in. Just as you try and hesitate, you hear the distinct sound of 'no, please don't go!' come from the floorboards, which at first seemed to be sticky, but on closer inspection, was more... 'grabby'. There is a chemist behind the shop counter currently sharpening the blade on a fearsome looking dagger.   Heian Wragge   Heian Wragge is an early middle aged male half-elf. He is average sized and wiry, and has red eyes with light skin. The most notable physical trait of Heian is that he has a large gap between the two front teeth.   Heian chews with an open mouth. He is prone to suspicion. When he is relaxed, he is fearful. In moments of stress, he becomes courageous. Religion-wise, Heian is a cautious listener.   Despite sexism against him, Heian has been having mild success as an alchemist, with a background of being a sage. He belongs to the commoner social class, but lives large, with little care to how much money is spent, splashing out on expensive things on a whim.



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