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Dreamseep Marshlands

East of the Stormcrest Range , within the Kirmont Valley, is the sprawling, fetid Dreamseep Marsh. The perpetual rain rolling off the Stormcrests’ enchanted slopes has transformed this once-lush forest into a morass of rotting vegetation, sulfurous mud, and gnarled, weeping trees. So many cruel murders have been committed within the Dreamseep that the very land is cursed, forsaken by the gods. Negative energy pools there like water, and the dead drink deep of it. The marsh is populated by more than just the walking zombies of killers and their victims—awful amalgamations of dozens of bodies, both humanoid and bestial, are birthed within the Dreamseep’s putrid womb.

Somewhere in the middle of this accursed realm is a sinkhole that plunges deep beneath the earth. At its deepest point is the Tomb of Udah, a fabled necropolis of countless chambers, littered with traps and treasures that have claimed the lives and imaginations of untold hundreds. Every death within Udah’s accursed walls only adds to the legions at its dread master’s command; characters who explore its tunnels face not only undead warriors in armor from a bygone millennium, but steely warriors in armor from every epoch in Tal’Dorei history.

The small community of Bronbog holds the only lights of civilization within the shadows here, and those that continue to thrive against the oppressive swamp are hearty and stubborn folk..

Stormcrest Mountains


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