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Exalted Collection Auction House

Exalted Collection Auction House, located in the Gilded Esplanade. It is a "grandiose, if gaudy" building. Items and buyers from across Exandria make their way here; it's rumored to be visited by those from the Outer Planes when especially powerful artifacts are at auction. It is managed by Lord Gabriel Rymmer of the influential Rymmer family, this grandiose, if gaudy, establishment has all manner of rare items, collectibles, and historical artifacts brought from around Exandria to be sold to whomever offers the most gold, with a small portion of the sale filling the family's coffers. Socialites, nobility, celebrities, and the fabulously wealthy of Exandria travel here from all over the world, forging bonds of rivalry with each purchase. When particularly powerful relics find their way to the auction house, it's rumored that beings from the Outer Planes will masquerade as merchants to snatch up such prizes.

Potential items:

A glorious 6ft tall statue depicting a half elf wielding a greatsword. The statue is made of grey marble. The statue is believed to be of a general of Sharnn, an ancient pre-calamity city that was destroyed and this is found in ruins that are assumed to be of Sharnn. 

An ornamental dagger made off of alien material. It is believed it was crafted when a piece of sky-rock hit the earth containing a weird metal. It is incredibly sharp, however it is unclear how good it is for combat. Despite that, the hilt and the spot at the bottom are engraved with alien runes and a teal blue stone. 

A Skyship brumestone.  

A dragon egg. It was stolen from a Silver Dragon's Lair. Generally good aligned creatures, it is believed that whomever hatches the eggs can convince the dragon to serve them.  

A live Tyranossaurus Rex. It was found in the jungles of one of the islands of the Lucidian Ocean. 

A magical purple crystal which emits abjuration.

Lord Gabriel Rymmer : a male water genasi father of Fortuna Rymmer his only daughter.

  Fortuna Rymmer : She had always been a handful, refusing to learn the ways of being a lady. Instead, she preferred to rebel by sneaking out of her room, learning how to pickpocket, and getting into trouble.

  As a last resort, her parents sent her to the the Library of the Cobalt Soul - Port Damali, which did work, for a time. The Cobalt Soul helped her rein in some of her impulses and taught her how to fight. She became the Cobalt Viper.

However, even the Cobalt Soul couldn't curb Fortuna's independent streak. She eventually broke away and became the master thief known as the Black Viper.  


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