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Felderwin is the heart of halfling society in Wynandir. The settlement itself is surrounded by fertile farmland—the sprawling Felderwin Tillage that has been cultivated by the halfling community for over seven centuries. In the wake of a sudden and vicious attack from the Kryn Dynasty , the Crownsguard presence has recently increased, and paranoia has gripped the citizens of Felderwin. Taverns and shops are filled with hushed whispers about the fate of the empire.

A Tilling Tradition

This area was originally settled by the halfling Felder clan many centuries ago, and the community has always valued the simple, grounded life of a farmer. The exceedingly fertile soil surrounding Felderwin is known throughout the empire, and the best farmers and students of agriculture in the land have settled here. As such, the agricultural skills taught in Felderwin are second to none.

Some family bloodlines have tilled the earth for as long as Felderwin has existed and fiercely guard their plots against any incursion—be it from other farmers, local goblins, or invading dark elves. Nomadic goblin camps moving through the nearby Cyrios Mountains often encroach in the dark of night during harvest time.


58% halflings, 21% humans, 6% dragonborn, 15% other races


Without Felderwin, the Dwendalian Empire —and the imperial military—would surely starve. Recognizing the importance of Felderwin’s fertile fields, the Crown has allowed the settlement’s starosta to be selected by the local community instead of appointing a leader from Rexxentrum . When the starosta dies or is deposed, the community votes on their replacement. The current starosta, Theanor Whisperthin, has served the community for over thirty years and does his best to maintain order. However, Theanor is under pressure by his assigned overseer on the Cerberus Assembly, Marquis Jenna Iresor, to expand the settlement’s contributions to the war effort — or be replaced.


A sizable regiment of Crownsguard is now bolstered by a patrolling legion of Righteous Brand soldiers, while guildmasters keep personal bodyguards.


Felderwin is not a haven for unlawful activity, but the importance of the local crops have prompted the empire to assign a large number of Crownsguard to prevent any danger to agricultural production. The crime that does exist within Felderwin tends to involve small scale larceny, burglary, and the occasional attempt to forge official documents to avoid taxes and tithes to the Crown.

Industry & Trade

Basic supplies and general goods are produced locally, and humble rooms and amenities are available to travelers.

Guilds and Factions

Shrines to the Dawnfather bless the outer fields, while most worship takes place in homesteads within the city. The farming families and guilds aren’t independent, but are operated directly by the Crown.


This rustic settlement is home to the beating heart of the Marrow Valley’s farming community. Felderwin is built around three small hubs, each surrounding a communal gathering site called a Hall, which give the settlement a roughly triangular shape. Each section is filled with intersecting dirt roads, large barns, storehouses, lively taverns, and livestock pens that give the streets their unique, shifting smell of fresh grass, sweet pollen, and animal dung. The Green Hall calls forth trade meetings and day celebrations, while the Sunset Hall acts as a massive tavern for evening festivities and diplomatic events. The Lake Hall is built at the edge of the Scymir River and helms the small fishing community within the city.

Marrow Valley
Included Locations
Felderwin Tillage
Owning Organization
Dwendalian Empire


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