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Foramere Basin

This great lake was once the ice fortress of Errevon the Rimelord, the elemental behemoth that nearly toppled the fledgling realm of Tal'Dorei. It was here that the combined forces of Kraghammer, Syngorn, Tal'Dorei , and the Ashari hurled the Rimelord back into the Frostfell, the Elemental Plane of Ice, and brought an end to the Icelost Years. The massive lake left behind by Errevon's melted citadel is now the largest source of fresh water in central Tal'Dorei.

Foramere Basin's shores are peppered with tiny huts and fishing communities, many of which trade back and forth with Kymal  or Westruun . The great lake is fed by three rivers that give life to the Dividing Plains: the Byhills, the Tundrun, and the Wildpath. After especially hard winters, these rivers run hard and fast, and the overflows spill into the Foramere Waterway, which flows into Owlset Bay, near Stilben .

Some of these fishing villages are home to the descendants of the fighters that warred against the Rimelord's tyranny. Even in times when Syngorn and Kraghammer were bitter rivals, the elves and dwarves here took no part in their homelands' hatred.
River Basin

Dividing Plains


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