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Grand Prestige

Near the edge of the Vice district, along the waterfront of a large pond is the Grand Prestige Casino. The building appears to sit upon an artificial hill and on closer inspection you can see the first story is actually built into the hill itself. Wide white stone stairs lead up from the street to the entrance on the second floor. Two tall square pillars stand near the top of the stairs with large burning braziers at their peaks.

As you reach the top of the stairs you come to a grand entrance way lined with tall white pillars. Following the walkway past them and inside the gilded doorway you find yourself in a large cathedral type room. Intricate golden filigree and gilding seems to line everything from the marble counter tops and columns, to the ceiling as well. The place exudes the sensation of luxury and wealth.

From where you stand near the entrance you have a good view of the entire Casino. You're standing on a slightly raised entrance hall that runs nearly the full length of the front of the building. A white marble banister allows you to look over the casino floor slightly below. Stairs on either end and in the middle of the hall provide easy access to the many games and venues inside.

In the center of the casino floor is a circular raised platform made of marble. It appears to be a massive bar that allows patrons to walk up from any direction and order a drink.

Radiating out from the bar are all sorts of gaming tables, many are crowded with people enjoying themselves and gambling.
To the far left another area of the building seems to separated from the main gaming floor. Well dressed guards stand outside the entrance.
To the far right you see another venue and can make out what looks like theater seating descending into the floor towards what you assume is a stage.
In either corner of the back wall you can see doorways to what appear to be lounges or private gaming areas.
  • On one side is VIP / Private gambling area
  • On other side is theater for nightly entertainment
  • Two lounges / bars near the back
  • Between the lounges is the back offices (stairs to lower vault area, etc)
  • In center is round bar
  • Around it are games.


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