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Hall of Erudition

The Hall of Erudition is the Soltryce Academy's branch within the city of Zadash .


The campus is built of white and grey marble, with heavy stone towers and walkways that weave between them. There are beautiful exterior courtyards with trees and trimmed hedges and little cobblestoned walkways. The architecture is loosely inspired by elvish design in the way that everything connects and has an organic flow from one place to the next. The main entrance is at the top of a heavy staircase about twenty feet wide, which slowly tapers until it comes to arched double doors surrounded by a carved ivory spiral.

The centerpiece of the campus is a large ivory and marble tower, the Zauber Spire (German: Magic/Spell Spire). It has large blue banners and looms over the northern section of the Tri-Spires district. The tower's top floor is a domed cylinder of glass allowing a view of the entire city.


Oremid Hass
is the earth genasi Archmage of Cultivation for the Cerberus Assembly  and the Headmaster of the Hall of Erudition at the Zauberspire.


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