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Kamordah was built within the Bromkiln Hills by a collection of zealous followers of Desirat the Twilight Phoenix . They were eventually driven out by the Julous Dominion , who claimed the city and attempted to harness the intense geothermal activity in the area. When the dominion was conquered by the Dwendalian Empire , it was discovered that this phenomenon infused the local earth with minerals that support a number of rare plants, ones that normally would not survive in Wildemount. This has led to a very profitable, carefully guarded industry of farming exotic herbs and fauna, as well as local vineyards that produce exquisite wines with flavors not found elsewhere in Exandria. Unfortunately, the ground water here is undrinkable, forcing denizens of the city to survive off captured rainfall and fresh water imported from outside the city.

A Fire Below

While the majority of Western Wynandir and the Marrow Valley is filled with rolling fields of green grasses and tall, vibrant trees, the Bromkiln Hills that surround the city of Kamordah are gray and rocky, unable to sustain the vegetation. Patches of gray, bubbling mud form between the hills, where natural vents perpetually release lazy plumes of sulfurous gases that give the region its unmistakable smell. Mineral shelves surrounding areas of intense seismic or thermal activity sometimes produce rings of vibrant colors, and many locals study these minerals for their medicinal and arcane properties. Others worry that the source of this activity is a portent of terrible things to come, whether it be an imminent eruption or some slumbering elemental power.


58% humans, 23% halflings, 13% dwarves, 6% other races


Starosta Brennan Keef is the Crown-appointed governor of Kamordah. Though his close ties to the Truscan family grant him good standing with the Crown and local traders in the Truscan Vale, locals grouse that he puts Truscan interests before those of his own people.

Coinmaster Dela Folger has a long-standing feud with Exchequer Aethia Drooze. Folger, a staunch supporter of Kamordan wineries and their local businesses, resists Drooze's attempts to squeeze every last copper out of Kamordah and into the Crown's coffers.


The businesses in Kamordah carefully guard their rare goods. Crownsguard mingle with hired mercenaries to keep a watchful eye on business deals, making the few criminals within the city extremely cautious.


Kamordah is a strange settlement built from pale stone mined from nearby Mount Mentiri and petrified wood from the surrounding forest. Constructed over the prismatic mud of the Bromkiln Hills, it resembles a collection of pearls against a smear of colored paints. The settlement is loosely broken up into two regions based on industry. The Rainbow Vineyards wind along the northern end, twisting up the base of the mountain paths, while the massive central Mudfields harbor greenhouses and research facilities alongside the scattered homes that comprise the remainder of the city.  
Wines of Kamordah
  The natural phenomenon that churns the mud and earth surrounding Kamordah has helped its people cultivate a valuable collection of vineyards. Wines produced by these families are some of the best in Exandria, often presented as extravagant gifts or a display of wealth. These bottles fetch a healthy sum of gold, with some of the finest listed below, though the prices vary depending on the market.
  Stassman's Thistle Branch Dark Blood Red Wine: 85 gp per bottle.
  Wagner & Waltz Emerald Embrace Green Wine: 65 gp per bottle.
  Stassman's Truscan Sunrise White Wine: 45 gp per bottle.
  Lionett Vineyard Purple Cinder Red Wine: 50 gp per bottle.
  Errenath Family Private Wish Red Wine: 75 gp per bottle.
Marrow Valley 
Owning Organization
Dwendalian Empire 


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