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Marquet is one of the continents on the world of Exandria, located south of Issylra and southwest of Tal'Dorei.

Centuries after the Calamity, Marquet is known as a continent of deserts and mountains, with few bastions of civilization to be found. But only one-third of the continent is desert. The Beryl Sea lies south of the continent. The Lapis Channel which leads from Lake Koron and the Gloomed Jungles of Aeshanadoor feeds into it.


Individuals native to or descended from Marquet tend to have darker hair and skin than those from more northerly climes. Many desert elves emigrated from Marquet to the Menagerie Coast following the banishment of Uk'otoa. Only small numbers of dwarves from Marquet visit the Menagerie Coast  as travelers or sailors.

People of many races commingle in Jrusar: pachydan, katari, halfling, goliath, elf, orc, gnome, genasi, eisfuura, and more. A young half-elf/half-orc, Anni Aughta, is a performer in the city.


The Marquesian language is spoken by many humanoids on the continent; it is the main language spoken in the trade and tourism hub of Shammel Bay, but a majority also speak Common with varying proficiency. Marquesian became the language of the Clovis Concord  elite and of the pirates of The Revelry  due to Marquesian people settling in the Menagerie Coast.


During the Age of Arcanum, Marquet was the lush home of a prominent civilization. During the early years of the Calamity, warring nations on the continent turned the verdant landscape into ash and desert, and during the Calamity a vengeful god was responsible for the creation of the Rumedam Desert  and the mountain ranges that separate the regions of the continent.
  Three to four centuries after the Divergence, Marquesian explorers and traders had a seminal influence on other continents. Over on Tal'Dorei, a legendary spicemonger from Marquet named Abdar helped to fund the construction of Emon in the fourth or maybe fifth century PD, and a major district of the city still bears his name. Around 400 PD, an exploration vessel from Marquet reached the Swavain Islands and first established trade with the Ki'Nau. The Marquesians soon returned and established a colonial outpost called Damali on the Menagerie Coast, the beginning of what would eventually expand into the independent Clovis Concord. A secret sect of Marquesian worshipers of Zehir brought about the banishment of Uk'otoa, who had been a guardian of the Ki'Nau, and an influx of Marquesian travelers to the Menagerie Coast soon followed, including elves who helped found Gwardan .
  At that time in the fifth century PD, the great city of Ank'Harel  had just been founded under the rule of J'mon Sa Ord. When J'mon Sa Ord was declared emperor in Ank'Harel, the Marquesian colonists of the Menagerie Coast demanded independence, and the emperor eventually granted it. At the time, the red dragon Thordak tyrannically ruled over half of Marquet from his base in the Scaldwind Sands. Thordak, with his feral armies of kobolds and other serpentine followers, attacked the city when it was perhaps 100 or 150 years old, but after a two-week battle, his armies were defeated and Thordak was wounded, and as he fled north over the ocean he was struck down and fell into the sea. He was presumed dead for nearly two centuries before his confrontation with Emon's forces in 794 or 795 PD.
Included Locations
Aggrad Mountains
Hellcatch Valley
Oderan Wilds
Rumedam Desert
Taloned Highlands
Included Organizations
Chandei Quorum


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