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No one who has visited the Shadebarrow has ever returned alive—but neither do they come back entirely dead. The Shadebarrow was once a monolithic henge used as a ritual site for sun-worshiping druids known as the Dawn Circle, but their shrine became their tomb after Trist Drassig slew them for aiding Zan Tal’Dorei in the Scattered War, centuries ago.

After Trist Drassig’s death, the trade guilds of Westruun  laid claim to the unowned land, and from there, the Dawn Circle’s abandoned and treasureless burial tunnels were purchased from the unions at great cost by an eccentric Westruunian baron named Sevil Howthess. His obsession with its history led him to be interred there upon his passing, the tomb outfitted with protections and, supposedly, the remnants of his fortune.

The exact location of the Shadebarrow has been forgotten by all but the Baron Howthess’s few surviving grandchildren, and they deny any involvement with the forgotten crypt. The surviving descendants of Sevil Howthess, Camilla Tenver and Buddleia Austan, live in Westruun, but have changed their names through marriage. Only searching through the public records in Westruun’s Hall of Reason or seeking lore about the Shadebarrow in the Cobalt Reserve will turn up their names.

Despite the barrow’s location being lost to time, treasure hunters and historians still seek out—and occasionally find—the infamous crypt. If they ever return to civilization, it is as a wailing spirit, cursed to eternally torment whoever they thought of in their final moments, or as a shambling corpse focused only on murdering their loved ones.

Dividing Plains


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