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Sken Zabriss

Sken Zabriss is a goliath operative working for the Kryn Dynasty.  After escaping the prison of Hupperdook she was defeated, captured and brought back to the same prison by a group of unknown adventurers.


Sken is a goliath woman with grey skin and short black hair tied in a ponytail. She has silver gray eyes, a cut on her left eyebrow, and striped tattoos on her face, arms, and legs. She wears a breastplate and armwraps, and fights with a longsword and shield.


Sken taunts her opponents in a fight, proclaiming that they will die and that the Empire will fall to Xorhas . She fights pragmatically, taking hostages to get her way and fleeing using her Ring of Obscuring if injured.


During the War of Ash and Light, Sken worked as an operative for the Kryn Dynasty. At some point, she was captured by the Dwendalian Empire and held as a prisoner of war within Hupperdook's Gearhole Prison.

Dangerous Designs

As part of his plan to take over the city, Huron Stahlmast broke Sken out of prison by delivering to her a bomb, a Ring of Obscuring, and a note to her prison cell via a vox seeker dropped through the cell's skylight. Sken blew a hole in the wall escaped, rendezvouing with several of Stahlmast's kobold minions. While running through the streets of the Ironlot, Sken and the kobolds had a chance encounter with a group of adventurers. Though the party was able to defeat the kobolds, Sken used the Ring of Obscuring to escape to Stahlmast's lair.

After the adventuring party was hired by Watchmaster Bram Gulchswattle, they eventually tracked Sken to the cave behind Silver Falls where the entrance to Stahlmast's lair is. There Sken did battle with the adventurers, aided by more of Stahlmast's kobolds. The adventurers ultimately defeated Sken and collected their reward from the Watchmaster.
Lawful evil
Common, Draconic, Giant
Kryn Dynasty (operative)
Huron Stahlmast (ally)


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