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The Dwarf and the Apprentice

You make your way through the town of Nogvurot until you come to a watering hole, which is called The Dwarf and the Apprentice, a spacious shabby log watering hole with a thatched roof that the locals know best for its witty banter with the waitstaff.     The Tavern   The Dwarf and the Apprentice is very large indeed; the filthy watering hole has rows of tables, as well as a dedicated kitchen and bar area, indicating that at least some thought went into its construction. The lanterns on the tavern walls are incredibly ornate and wrought iron. You can barely hear each other over the din of the other patrons, who are pretty rowdy. One elbows you in the ribs as they try to get around you to the bar. Who else is here?   The Bar   Behind the counter is who you would assume to be the bartender, a tan skinned overweight human who is currently talking with a customer. You walk up to the bar, and strike up conversation with the man, who introduces himself as Jaecob Johnston, the caretaker of The Dwarf and the Apprentice.   Tavern Entertainment   A stirring rendition of 'The Lady and the Faerie Dragon' has the crowd calling for an encore from the minstrels.     Jaecob Johnston (owner bartender)   Jaecob Johnston is a weathered male human. He is quite tall and overweight, and has gray eyes with tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Jaecob is that he has a rather blotchy looking face.   Jaecob is always shaking. He is very self centered and proud. When he is relaxed, he is outspoken. In moments of stress, he becomes gluttonous. Religion-wise, Jaecob is a casual observer.   Scarletta Kerry (cook)   Scarletta Kerry is an aged female human. She is average sized and scrawny, and has green eyes with tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Scarletta is that she has fingers like sausages.   Scarletta blinks constantly. She is incoherent except for a few key words. She is untruthful, quick to believe, and full of energy. When she is relaxed, she is cheerful. In moments of stress, she becomes calculating.    
Rent a room for the night
The Dwarf and the Apprentice has 12 available rooms, which are spacious and rather filthy. Because this watering hole is priced for kingly patrons, it will cost 3 Silver to stay here for the night.

Dish                        Cost
Frogs on Skewers 4 Copper
Green Chili Stew 3 Copper
Grilled Snake and Macadamia 3 Cp
Plain porridge 2 Copper
Spiced porridge 3 Copper
Pot of cured meats 4 Copper
Bacon and Eggs 6 Copper
Bread and cheese 3 Copper
Vegetable Stew 4 Copper
Eggs on toast 5 Copper
Honeybread 3 Copper
Greenspear 3 Copper
Baked potatoes 3 Copper
Barbecued Gopher Legs 6 Copper
Mushroom Stew with Bread 5 Copper
Rabbit and Baked Pumpkin 6 Copper
Roseapple pie 3 Copper
Cheese Pie and Onion Soup 2 Silver
Grilled Wild Boar Chops 3 Silver
Baked Loin of Pork with Gravy 5 Silver
Beef Steak and Kidney Pie 7 Silver
Pecan Pie 3 Silver


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