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The Gloomed Jungles

The Gloomed Jungles of Aeshanadoor are a region in the northeast of Aeshanadoor , located in a gorge surrounded by the Kaal Mountains that separate them from the Hellcatch Valley  and the Stratos Throne.

The Gloomed Jungles are unique. The canopy forms a very dense rolling patchwork blanket of white, shades of gray, and black, with rare splotches of blues, purples, and reds. Rivers are just visible through the thick vegetation, and the occasional cluster of low mountains breaks above the canopy. Patches of mist-covered swamp dot the landscape.

The tree trunks appear pale, smooth, and oily, with thicker black or dark gray hardened resin at their bases. The branches extend out like long, thin, bony fingers holding up vast canopies of gray and dark purple leaves, scattered with patches of vibrantly colored mushroom-like fungus. When eaten, the mushrooms have psychedelic properties and taste bitter, shifting toward acidic citrus. Although the forest's coloration is shadowy, it is vibrant and alive.
  The Chalkstep Road leading from the Hellcatch Valley to Yios passes through the jungle, sometimes exposing the underlying deep red, almost brown stone. Along the road was at least one heavily damaged and abandoned military stone fortress with a watch tower.
  Hidden within the jungles is Barinak , the secret village of the Gorgynei. The Gorgynei hunt some dangerous creatures in the jungle and keep the roads safe as part of an arrangement with the Court of the Lambent Path.
  Near the temple of Zha'Vrollo, the trees change to having deep maroon trunks, with cerulean leaves and bearing blue cotton-like puffs. These trees are unique to the area and don't grow well elsewhere.
Owning Organization
Court of the Lambent Path


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