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Throne of the Archeart

In the foothills of the Ironseat Ridge  is a small rise known as the Throne of the Archeart: a gathering place for the many nomadic centaur tribes that ride across the Dividing Plains. The centaurs were first born when the Archeart showed mercy to a tribe of elven horseriders who gave their lives serving their god during the Calamity. For centuries, the centaurs have all returned to the Throne of the Archeart once per decade to gather in a Herdsmeet to discuss the state of the tribes and pay homage to their deity on the very hill where the first centaurs were created. This event causes great chaos in the eastern plains; the massive migration of the centaur herds disrupts trade and stirs up the Ravagers to acts of terrible vengeance against the creations of the Archeart—the Ruiner's divine nemesis.

Ironseat Ridge


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