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When the Strife Emperor fought the Wildmother, he took the form of a giant of unimaginable size, clad from head to toe in armor of pitted iron. When he was defeated and cast back into his planar prison, his immense, divine armor remained and crashed to the ground. Centuries have passed, and the thirty-foot tall Helm of Strife is now the palace of the Iron Emperor. The rest of their imprisoned god’s armor fuels the unstoppable war machine of the Iron Authority, melted down to create walls, weapons, and worse.


70% hobgoblins, 10% goblins, 20% other races


The armies of the Iron Authority are strictly regimented, and its society is no less ruthlessly structured. Every goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear knows their place within the imperial hierarchy. And every being of other races, including a number of elves who have betrayed the Orroyen in hopes of gaining power within the Authority, know their place beneath the goblinkin. Iron Emperor Tz’Jarr is the supreme military commander of the empire, loyally served by the four royal generals that rule the empire’s individual city-states. Tz’Jarr is unimaginably old, and it is said that his clerics have used blood magic granted to them by their god to sustain him beyond his years.

The military government of the Iron Authority is headquartered in Tz’Arrm. Its cultish generals are doggedly focused on maintaining the Authority’s war machine—and their own personal power. Beneath these generals are innumerable propagandists, military officials, slave-owning nobles, and their cronies, all of whom ravenously seek a way to climb the ladder of power. No elections are held; positions are only vacated in the event of death or promotion, and all leaders are appointed by the emperor or an immediate superior.


As the capital of an empire with an insatiable appetite for expansion and conquest, Tz’Arrm is awash with propaganda and crawling with secret police. In addition to being the headquarters of the military, Tz’Arrm is also the center of operations for the Gauntlet, the empire’s intelligence and espionage division. As the children of the Strife Emperor, loyal goblinkin are seen as the supreme citizens of the empire. The upper echelons of the Iron Authority are filled almost exclusively by hobgoblins, for the Iron Emperor has declared them the strongest and most worthy children of their god. By the same token, goblinkin who betray the empire are seen as the ultimate traitors, and suffer a fate worse than death. Those with wealth and status within the empire are constantly paranoid about falling out of favor. Even great generals see all those around them as hungry wolves waiting to gobble them up. At the bottom rungs of society are the serving class, who eke out a meager existence as indentured servants for the elite, or as merchants who are bound to whatever master owns their shop. Beneath even them are slaves, most of whom are prisoners of war.



The armies of the Iron Authority have captured tens of thousands of slaves during their wars of conquest across Rifenmist. The slaves of Tz’Arrm are mostly used as laborers, sent to chisel iron scraps from the Strife Emperor’s fallen armor, or to venture back into the lower jungles to forage for food. The elite of the Iron Authority sometimes play at benevolence by granting comfortable jobs indoors to slaves skilled in the arts—such as personal portrait-painters, musicians, or sculptors. Such kindnesses are rarely a sign of true mercy; they are more likely a simple (and meager) expression of guilt.

Groups of slaves that pass in and out of the city to labor in the armor yards or furnaces are escorted by a military detachment whose primary purpose is to discourage escape. The powerful people of the city prize their elven slaves above all others, passing them down like heirlooms from generation to generation. Elves are treasured possessions by the Authority’s despicable elite, not just because of their beauty and long life, but because of how difficult it is to procure slaves from the sheltering boughs of the jungle.

Geography and Climate

Tz’Arrm is hellishly hot. The black stone of the Beynsfal Plateau  and the iron walls of the city trap the heat of the relentless Rifenmist  sun. The imperial elite enjoy spells that cool their homes and shelter them from the sun, but those who toil under the sun pay a heavy price. The Authority’s hobgoblin elite are well suited to such a climate, but their goblin and bugbear slaves suffer as they toil—as do the Orroyen elves, whose life in the shady, humid boughs of the Rifenmist Jungle  has left them unprepared for the blistering heat of the plateau.
Large city


Rifenmist Peninsula 

Owning Organisation

Iron Authority


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