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The island of Urukayxl was once the site of the temple of the leviathan Uk’otoa. Many centuries ago, the spiteful followers of Zehir murdered Uk’otoa’s Ki’Nau adherents and used the temple as the seal preventing Uk’otoa from returning to the Material Plane.

Forgotten in the years since, the fallen temple is surrounded by jungles that now harbor feuding clans of lizardfolk and yuan-ti. These yuan-ti are servants of the Cloaked Serpent and still maintain the crooked temple in the image of their banished god. Between the disease-carrying insects, the deadly jungle, and the treacherous Inkclaw Reef, many consider the region cursed and avoid it at all cost


The island is inhabited by lizardfolk and yuan-ti that regularly fight each other for its control.


The lizardfolk live on the outskirts of the island. They call the rivers, streams and the inlets home. They speak in a very low, guttural clicking. They are muscular, burly, hunched, and deeply scaled all over. They have long snouts with rows of sharp teeth and a frill down the back of the neck.

They wear makeshift bits of leather strapped together to form patches of armor across the torso, and big heavy shields, carved from a large shell, that have multiple rows of spines and hooks down the back. They carry clubs and heavy blades that are made of makeshift, scavenged metal or weapons that have washed up on shore or have been recovered from others that have been unlucky to make their way to this island and never returned.


The Yuan-ti are people of scale and fang, the snake-folk that exist further in near this temple. The physical appearance of the Yuan-ti can vary from individual to individual, some have heads that are full of serpent features, patches of scales, yellow eyes. Some have even developed snake-like tails where their limbs would be. The Yuan-ti have built a village around the temple. They dress in simple attire suitable for the jungle environment and shun hoods so both members of their society and trespassers are easily identifiable.


The island consists mostly out of jungle and beaches. Inside the jungle is a small village, a ruin, and a five-sided temple. The beaches are beautiful and white. There is the occasional shard of driftwood or a glimmer of a smooth abalone shell scattered amongst the sandy beaches.There are a few animals up in the top of the trees. Some monkey-type creature, small, leaping from branch to branch. There are a few colorful jungle birds that are up in the higher elements of the tree tops[10] and there are leopard-like creatures with a mane of snakes called Kamadan.

There are a number of jungle flowers. Most of them are a dull pink in color that fade to a green at the base. A lot of them grow along the base of the roots of some of the jungle trees.


The jungle line begins about 40 feet onto the island and immediately grows dense and tangled with vines, root and various jungle, heavy palm tree, and tropical trees that choke the sky above. The jungle looks endless, filled with trees, hanging vines and heavy roots in the ground. It is warm, humid, and within ten minutes of walking into the jungle, sweat beginnings to gather at the edges of your hair and the back of your coat. The floor is soft each with a spongy pressure before it hits hard earth, rock, or compressed compost and soft vegetation.

Driftwood Shack
  Within the forest is a partially obscured dilapidated driftwood shack, with a frond-thatched roof. A lot of the overgrowth of the jungle has reclaimed the base of the wood. A lot of it is driftwood, or ramshackle planks that have been carved from trees that have fallen over in the vicinity, or possibly scavenged from shipwrecks that have washed ashore. It is a mismatch of different types of wood and cobbled materials, but it is a shack. It's no more than ten-foot by ten-foot. You do see a half-rotted sheet of some sort of thick material that blocks the doorway. There are some holes that have been eaten through it.
  Inside is a simple cot, a chair, a mildewed leather coat that appears to be half folded over and thrown in the corner, and a small box up on the table there has no lid on it. The whole room smells faintly of rot. Under the cot is a small six-by-four inches chest that is trapped. When the weight within is distributed, a cord slides the chest back against the wall. The cable goes through a loop through the ceiling and a large urn that is set up inside a thatched roof tips over and begins to release dozens of venomous snakes on top of the intruder.

  The ruin is made of stone rubble. The structure was built here long ago, and has since fallen over, and elements of its masonry either moved or reclaimed for other structures elsewhere on the island. There are basis of walls and joining positions where elements of the previous building were used to maintain and hold the ceiling that has since fallen in.

Yuan-ti Village

There are a few dozen sandstone buildings scattered around the temple. The stone coloration is yellowish to a dull gray and white with different materials used to accent elements of the constructions. The jungle vines and roots begin to entwine and tangle near the base of some of the structures and where it's built looks like parts of the jungle have grown up around and helped camouflage elements of this small village. Marking different intersections are 10 feet tall snake-head obelisks on exposed stone. They appear to be softly carved from bits of a marble material or recovered stone in a similar way that most of the construction has been done.

Temple of the False Serpent

Inside the small snake village on the island of Urukayxl is the Temple of the False Serpent. It was built in honor of Uk'otoa and later taken over by yuan-ti who rededicated it to The Cloaked Serpent.  
Menagerie Coast 


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