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Visa Isle

Forty miles off the coast of the Bladeshimmer Shoreline , west of the Verdant Expanse, two islands belch clouds of black smoke into the open sky. Visa Isle and its smaller sister island have been surrounded by rumors and sailors’ legends since the dawn of civilization. Some say that every night, the island burns to ash—giving it a distinctive orange glow—and that every day new trees grow to maturity by sundown. It is an island of fire and death.

Those who have explored its dense jungles and returned claim only to have found common wild pigs and—at worst—unusually large fire beetles and mantises. They were the lucky ones. They didn’t wander unprepared into the Ruins of Vos’sykriss, and did not encounter the serpentine spirits that haunt its elder halls. The only expedition to have ventured into the Ruins of Vos’sykriss and lived to speak of it returned to Emon  just as the Chroma Conclave descended upon the city. Their leader, a half-orc archaeologist and spiritspeaker named Jorlund Vohr, survived the destruction of Emon, but all his notes and the artifacts he recovered were stolen. Decades later, the aging professor is still hard at work creating endless proposals for expeditions to Visa Isle.

Bladeshimmer Shoreline


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