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Exandria has two known moons. Ruidus, the second moon, is the much smaller and farther away of the two. It typically displays a ruddy reddish-brown colour, though sometimes appears as a bright vermillion. It is often difficult to see among the stars of the night sky and nearly impossible to spot during the day. It takes about half a year for it to fully orbit Exandria.   Ruidus does not go through phases as Catha does, instead appearing as a full moon whenever it is in the sky. It exhibits further strange behavior, seeming to "flare" and glow more brightly at times or to suddenly cast off its shadow. Sometimes it disappears from the night sky entirely.   Although little is truly known about Ruidius, this phenomenon is responsible for common folk beliefs which speak of it as an omen of ill tidings, or even a remnant of a Betrayer God plot left abandoned and unrealized.   Those inclined to superstition often believe one or more of the following:   Harbinger. Those who are born on a night when Ruidus is bright in the sky - "Ruidusborn" - are destined to bring suffering to others or to experience great tragedy in their own lives.   Malice. Those who study Ruidus and become obsessed with its secrets are compelled to cause misfortune and woe.   Misadventure. Plans made or set in motion when Ruidus is flaring are doomed to failure, often due to betrayal or miscommunication.