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The Calamity

The Calamity, sometimes referred to as the Great Calamity or simply the god-war, was the war fought by the Prime Deities against The Betrayer Gods at the end of the Age of Arcanum. Lasting for centuries, it resulted in The Divergence, in which the Betrayer Gods were all banished from Exandria, the Divine Gate was constructed, and the Prime Deities permanently left Exandria as well.   Post-Divergence historians estimate only one-third of Exandria's population survived the Calamity. All civilizations aside from Vasselheim were destroyed and, with them, most records, technology, and magical research. Historical knowledge of the Calamity and the Age of Arcanum is limited as a result. The war also left extensive geographical changes to Exandria, including the complete annihilation of the continent of Domunas and subsequent creation of the Shattered Teeth, the desertification of a large part of Marquet, the destruction of the land bridge connecting Tal'Dorei and Wildemount, and the corruption of the Miskath Strand into Blightshore.

The Conflict


The gods may no longer directly interact with Exandria, they may only influence events through omens, their followers, etc.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The creation of the Divine Gate and the Divergence.