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The Eye of Tempestar

The Bone Shop's Cabinet of Curiosities


Worldanvil February 24 Challenge

  The Bone Garden's main attraction is a cabinet of curiosities that is Rerosha's pride and joy. Rerosha has stuffed the polished ebony cabinet with the shop's most valuable items. The cabinet stands behind Rerosha's counter and is magically protected.   The 21 objects detailed below are not for sale. However, if a player helps Rerosha, she could be convinced to part with one of them or at least do a swap.

What is it?


The Eye of Tempestar is an unsettling sight: around a heavy silver chain hangs a large eye-shaped medallion. Inside the medallion is a vibrant, realistic glass eye. The eye does not have any eyelashes or eyelids. The eye's iris is of a very pretty sky-blue colour, turning darker towards the black of the pupil. In view of its size and the metal it is made of, the Eye of Tempestar - chain and medallion - is heavy. According to Rerosha, it weighs nearly a pound in weight.


The Eye of Tempestar is a very rare item, a unique and dangerous artefact. Rerosha does not like the object because she feels 'bad vibes' from it. She is also persuaded that sometimes the eye moves in its silver socket. However, she has not been able to prove if this is true.

Rerosha has added the Eye of Tempestar to her cabinet of curiosity because it is an impressive piece, and many customers stop in front of the cabinet to admire it.
One of her clients, a mage called Lymmle Wist, from the Sentinels of Memory, has offered many times to buy it and take it off her hands, but Rerosha is not sure that she would like the medallion to fall into anyone's hands. The artefact can only go to a good home and she would need to be convinced of your intentions before she will sell it to you.


Rerosha acquired the Eye in an unusual way. Rerosha likes to go on a vacation trip to the coast every year. It is the only time she closes her shop and is out of the city. She usually vacations in Dalen's Closet, a beach resort in Shammel in the Bay of Gifts north of Ank'harel.

Rerosha loves window shopping in Shammel, visiting every magical and antiquarian shop along the coast. Last year, Rerosha stopped at the The Mariner's Dream, a posh establishment selling top-end antiques to rich tourists in the seaside resort. The 'Mariner's Dreams' ' owner, a gnome named Malina Petipas has become friendly with Rerosha over the years, and Malina offered the Eye of Tempestar to her at a bargain price.

Rerosha was not fully aware why Malina Petipas wanted to get rid of the Eye, but she saw an opportunity to acquire a rare piece for a fraction of its price and bought it. According to Malina, the Antiquarian acquired the Eye a year ago from a sailor, but she felt that it did not match the aesthetics of her shop, and her clients were not interested in the gruesome object.

The sailor who sold it to Malina said it was a magical object with unpredictable results. Rerosha, a sorceress, could feel the object's power but also sensed its dark and uncanny presence. One of the reasons Rerosha bought the object was to put it out of the market and make sure the Eye did not fall into the wrong hands.

Rerosha can reveal what she knows about Tempestar. Roll 1d4 to know how much information Rerosha can tell players:

1 Tempestar was the fable, now destroyed, flying city-state of the Storm Giants.

2 No one knows who destroyed the city, but it now lies at the bottom of the Lucidian Ocean.

3 The Storm giants were renowned to have many great sorcerers in their ranks, and still have maybe.

4 The city was abandoned by its citizens, among them the demi-god of the storm, Woden. The storm giants now live in Jovatthon, the invisible, flying city of the cloud giants. It hovers above Tal'dorei.


The Eye of Tempestar is significant to any Stormcallers Cyclops . They see it as a relic and focus for their devotion to their deity: The Eye of the Storm, in fact a vengeful sorceress and storm giant named Eyvindr. See secret history.


The Eye of Tempestar is linked to Eyvindr, a storm giant bent on revenge. He is trying to raise an army of cyclops to take his revenge against the the Council of Seven Sceptres . Through the Eye, Eyvindr can scry easily on the wearer.

The Eye's wearer is aware of any weather changes. The Eye will reflect the weather that is to come within the next twenty-four hours. A useful but spooky item for seafarers.

Roll a d100 after using the pendant. There is a 2% chance that when a player uses the pendant, they will be enthralled by Eyvindr, who poses as the blind cyclops demi-god, The Eye of the Storm. The player will be forced to attack anyone who tries to remove the pendant from them and will be compelled to make their way to Tal'dorei and the Stormcallers in Daggerbay Mountains.

Secret History

This pendant would have belonged to a high-status cyclops worshipping Eyvindr as the Eye of the Storm in Taldorei's Daggerbay Mountains. The magical object will have passed from hand to hand, from sailor to sailor, until it found its way to 'The Mariners' Gifts'.


Current Holder
very rare


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