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The Luxon

Very few throughout Exandria have heard of the Luxon, and fewer still believe they even exist. The Luxon is the central deity of the Kryn Dynasty and their way of life, but study of the Luxon beyond the borders of Xhorhas has only recently begun—and such study is mostly motivated by the Dwendalian Empire’s desire to gain an advantage in the war. The Luxon doesn’t have an active consciousness or personality. The worship of them is largely a system of pure faith, backed by scientific and metaphysical truths that stem from the discovery of the beacons and the Umavi who interpret their meaning (see “Kryn Dynasty” in chapter 2). Priests of the Luxon often study dunamis and its primal arcane nature, while others are born with dunamantic gifts granted by the reality-bending powers of the beacons. Those that do call on the rarer threads of divinity use the beacons themselves as a source of magic.   Appearance. By all accounts, the Luxon’s original form is believed to be a colossal, shapeless body of impossibly bright light, like a burning star. Followers of the Luxon carry small, often hollow, dodecahedrons as a symbol of their faith.   ORIGINS OF THE LUXON   According to the teachings of the Kryn and the Umavi who scribe their faith, it is believed that long before the gods of Exandria came to shape this world, there was a time when a single Light came from the dark nothingness. Other lights came into being around them, settling as the stars in the cosmos. This one Light, however, resisted the force that beckoned them to burn like their star-fated brethren. This one Light wanted to understand what they were and chose to wander alone, choosing a different path. This choice led to endless stretches of lonely dark, the voices of the stars silent to the Light that walked away. Lonely, they wandered until they found a cold, dark rock: a world. The Light grew fond of this rock, seeing it as lonely as they were, and embraced it. They sparked a fire within, cracking the surface and giving fiery life to the cold world.   From within the fiery core, the Light began to watch the world change and turn, the chaos giving birth to the first souls: the Primordials. Amazed with their children, the Light wanted to guide them to learn of themselves, which in turn would help the Light discover their own purpose—but the children warred amongst themselves and killed one another, their souls born of the Light becoming lost to the dark beyond. Confused but determined, the Light decided that a time of learning was required, and that a cycle of trial and error must be enacted for their children of chaos to better themselves. Sacrificing a majority of their own essence, the Light created beacons of their own self, crystals of great power that enacted a cycle of rebirth for those who were bound to the Light.   This act exhausted the Light, and they fell into a deep slumber within the core of the world, awaiting a time where the children of their own mind would learn from life to life, through eons of struggle and self-reflection, until the knowledge had matured enough to reassemble them, awaken them, and the children could grant the answer to the question the Light had sought from the very beginning: what are they and what was their purpose? This Light is now referred to by the mortal followers of the Kryn as the Luxon.

Divine Domains

Arcane, Light
Divine Classification

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