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Allowak's Sanctuary

When Aeor fell into Foren, the impact threw a monolithic, purple crystal miles away from the crash site. The stone pierced the body of an abominable yeti named Allowak, but the crystal's magic preserved the yeti's corpse and absorbed Allowak's soul. When other yetis touched the crystal, their intellect increased and their innate desire to slaughter faded away. A society of the monstrosities living in huts and keeping mammoths for food sprung up around the crystal. These peaceful yetis abhor their more savage kin.  

A Secret Place

The yetis of Allowak's Sanctuary keep their home a secret, for they worry that outsiders might try to steal the crystal. Although the crystal's effects seem permanent, the yetis fear that if it were removed from Allowak's remains, they would lose their newfound intelligence. If outsiders get close to the village, the yetis patrolling the village's borders approach and act like the more common and savage members of their species. The yetis of Allowak's Sanctuary do not kill unless forced to, but they will cause injury to guard their secret.   In recent years, the yetis have acquired books and journals from explorers who died close to their camp. The tomes gave the yetis an understanding of the world beyond Eiselcross.  

Brightheart's Intentions

The yetis of Allowak's Sanctuary are led by an abominable yeti named Brightheart. She organizes adventuring parties of her people to search Foren for more of their kin to awaken with the crystal. Brightheart claims this recruitment is to increase the size and security of the community, but some whisper that she is building an army to take over Eiselcross, and possibly even more places beyond the Frigid Depths.


100% Yeti


Brightheart, the settlement's smartest and strongest abominable yeti, rules Allowak's Sanctuary as a dictator.


Every resident of Allowak's Sanctuary is capable of defending the settlement.

Industry & Trade

Aside from trading for simple goods and services, there is no major commerce.

Guilds and Factions

The yetis have no organizational ties.
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