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Ebonglass Massif

The sharp obsidian peaks of the Ebonglass Massif spell doom to those who would attempt to tame them, but many still try. This jagged range of lustrous volcanic rock divides northeastern Blightshore into two large peninsulas: Far Hharom to the north, and the Tooth of Zehir to the east. Expeditions to the Ebonglass Massif from the nations of Western Wynandir and beyond have been fraught with peril, and the craggy mountains are considered all but impassable by cautious outlanders, curious prospectors, and others who would explore their mysteries.   Like many places in the Miskath Strand, the Massif is haunted by a dark past. Historians have unearthed tales of ancient dwarven strongholds that were utterly destroyed by the upheaval during The Calamity. Now, the only known denizens of the Ebonglass Massif are the birds of prey that scour its peaks for sustenance and a maniacal clan of gray-scaled kobolds that employs simple technology—hooks, cables, and gliders—to traverse the Massif's treacherous terrain.  

Fang of the Worm

The kobolds of the Massif live in a subterranean sprawl on the southwestern edge of the Ebonglass foothills. Known as the Fangs of the Worm, they are led by a kobold queen whose eldritch magic is sustained by the clan's central religious totem—a powerful artifact from ancient Eiselcross, which has no doubt played a large part in the wayward sect's rapid evolution and questionable sanity. The kobolds of the Fangs of the Worm gather around this massive cylinder of metal and light to pay fealty to their queen and honor the visions she receives from beyond. This columnar artifact is actually a cryogenic containment unit that houses and preserves a fetid tissue sample from the festering body of Quajath, the Undermaw, and what the kobolds of the Ebonglass Massif mistake for divine visions are actually the abhorrent murmurs of Quajath, who telepathically guides the clan's erratic actions.  

Phantom Wardens

The dwarves of the Ebonglass Massif persist as incorporeal caretakers in their hidden subterranean halls, where they carve the volcanic glass with psionic powers like an artist moves paint on canvas. These forlorn specters preside over an empire of impeccable craft and staggering natural wealth, but their physical tombs have no entrances from the outside world, much to the chagrin of would-be burglars.
Mountain Range
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