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Island of Viscan

The Island of Viscan is an isolated island located in a region known for its volcanic activity in the southern part of the Lucidian Ocean. Viscan has a mountain in the center of a very thick jungle, in which there is a cavern system extending deep below the ground.


Jungle: Viscan is covered in jungles. When Vox Machina visited the jungle the outer edge was healthy and green, but as they traveled further in towards the mountain, the trees were gray and withered. Keyleth was able to determine that this appeared to be a necromantic blight that had rapidly withered the trees, and that it had happened some time ago.   As one approaches the mountain, sandy patches ten to 15 feet in size appear. These patches were created when subterranean caverns collapsed, and the ground there is highly unstable. Keyleth determined that the cause of these "hollow earth" patches was also magical.   Mountain: The mountain on the island is about 600 feet tall. It appears to have been created by natural tectonic processes thousands of years prior to the events of Campaign One: Vox Machina, with the exception of the entrance to the mountain lair. There is one section of rock 200 feet from the base of the mountain where the texture of the natural lines of the rock is in a different direction than the rest of the mountain's surface. When Vox Machina visited the island, this area was blocked with a massive rock between 20 and 30 feet wide, with a number of large holes in it. Upon further inspection, the holes appeared to be made by the claws of a large dragon over the span of many years, indicating a dragon had been using this rock as a door for a long time.   Mountain tunnel: A 15 foot by 12 foot wide tunnel is carved into the mountain. When Vox Machina passed through it they found it to be heavily dusty, indicating it had been unused for some time. They also found a number of scattered shards of old, blackened bone on the floor of the tunnel. About 100 feet in, the tunnel curves to the left and descends. The tunnel becomes wider as it goes deeper, and at this point there begin to be shelves and cubbies set into the wall.   One of the first shelves Vox Machina encountered had a number of dusty candles that had dripped over the edge of the shelf, next to another shelf with two other mostly burned down candles next to a skull. On the opposite side of the tunnel there was a shelf that had a couple of small books and a small wooden box. The next shelf had some a mummified raccoon-like creature. After another 50 feet, the tunnel opens up into a hexagonal room.   Hexagonal chamber: The hexagonal chamber is about 25 feet high, with a stonework floor, a large iron door, and a platform in the center. On the platform is a dark green marble pillar about three to four feet high. On top of the pillar is a "roughly forged" bowl of iron with a slight residue of what may be dried blood inside of it, and which is bolted down. The chamber has shelves like the ones in the stairwell, one of which contains an iron brazier full of dry tinder. A second shelf contains a large, unlabeled, leather-bound book. When Percy attempted to read the book, he found the text seemed to shrink and shift, particularly when exposed to light.   In order to exit the room, Vox Machina needed to add more blood to the bowl. Once they did this and exited, they encountered four floating, flame-wreathed skulls which attacked them.   Staircase: The door from the hexagonal room led to a hallway which in turn led to a descending spiral staircase. The ceiling above this staircase was, when Vox Machina explored the facility, trapped with a glyph that would activate when someone descended the stairs and which Scanlan was able to dispel. At the bottom of the stairs is a cluster of four-foot-long reddish-brown iron spikes, jutting up at various angles, with the remains of many impaled creatures on them.   Reversed-gravity bridge trap: The tunnel leading from the staircase was 20 feet wide and 15 feet tall. The walls were chiseled roughly, about 30 feet in it ended at a cross-section of a very deep ravine, both above and below. There was an underground chasm that stretched both to the right and left. On the bottom of the ravine there were nearly skeletal humanoid bodies. The chasm was about 60 feet across to the other side, and there was a taut rope bridge bolted to each side leading across. When walking across this bridge gravity seemed to be reversed and undead bodies of humanoid creatures were falling up. On the other side there was another entranceway that led to another hallway.   Fountain Chamber: 50 Feet down in the hallway there was a small fountain built into the center on the ground. This fountain had two bowls above each other, the upper bowl smaller than the lower. At the very top there was a humanoid face that's stretched into a ghastly, horrified expression of terror and gasp. From its mouth a small trickle of water was pouring upward, just spilling 15 feet up onto the ceiling, where it pooled and separated into cracks. The water was impacting a green emerald-like gem in the ceiling. Covering the gem would reverse the gravity in the ravine.   Hallway and Laboratory: The ceiling of the path began to grow higher, and the hall began to widen open, and splits in two directions. Portions of this hallway still had the cavern-type feel, but more sections looked like the walls were carved out at one point and had a specific purpose, but over time portions of it had fallen to disuse and ruin. The two paths eventually joined again on the other side of the large column. Where the rocky walls became just stone and the hallway opens up to a square-like chamber.   There were two cages in the corners that seemed to bear some sort of slumped, unmoving bodies inside of them. There were two pillars in the center of the room that appeared to be just strewn with various magical engravings and glyphs from top to bottom, surrounding them entirely. There were a series of bookshelves, candelabras, and chains that lined the walls. There was a large door across the back wall that was locked from the other side.
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