Lucid Bastion
Located at the very center of Rosohna is the awe-inspiring and towering citadel of the Lucid Bastion. This impressive cathedral is built from the ruins of Virkwzual and now stands as the symbol of Kryn rebirth and their faith in the light of The Luxon. The Lucid Bastion's spires of gray quartz pierce the sky, and the soft interior glow that suffuses the interior chambers never darkens, shining over the city day and night. Major religious events are centered around the Bastion, for it houses the "heart of consecution," the first Luxon Beacon to have been discovered. Within these halls, the Bright Queen, her trusted Umavi, and their Dens work to govern and protect all citizens of the Kryn Dynasty.
The Lucid Bastion is a daunting and impressive cathedral, with spires of gray quartz that tower over the city of Rosohna. It is surrounded by a perimeter wall made of a dull gray-purple type stone, and, across the crest of it, there are lanterns alight with a soft, green glow.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild