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Pride's Call

Within the rolling hills of the southern Zemni Fields lies the dwarven city of Pride's Call. Established in the ashes of The Calamity and slowly rebuilt as the center of hill dwarf culture in Wildemount, Pride's Call chose to ally with the Dwendalian Empire during the empire's expansion nearly two centuries ago. Their favor as the empire's first allies eventually waned when the dwarven city of Grimgolir was absorbed a century later, leaving Pride's Call overshadowed by the new, impressive, and strategically significant dwarf city. However, Pride's Call is nonetheless respectable in martial might and historically rich in culture, music, and their coveted pride silk. The city is a bright spot in the otherwise cold and dour Northwestern Wynandir.


81% Dwarf   8% Human   6% Halfling   5% other races


Starosta Ghuldi Demosk walks the fine line of honoring Imperial rule without undermining dwarven tradition. Small guilds run by dwarf nobles support his rule.


Watchmaster Hildas Cliffhollow oversees the local Crownsguard, which is sometimes bolstered by mercenaries.

Industry & Trade

Most goods and services are available here, including room and board for travelers. Pride silk is a popular commodity.


Even Favor Fades

  During the invasion of the Julous Dominion, the empire saw many great deeds done under the banner of Pride's Call. After helping the empire achieve victory, the people of Pride's Call enjoyed a period of celebratory attention. Their fame subsided, however, as Dwendalian attention turned to the mounting threat of Xhorhasian terrors boldly crossing the Brokenveil. Talks had already been privately underway to bring the dwarven stronghold of Grimgolir under imperial rule, given their military might and advantageous proximity to the brewing danger. With the combination of Grimgolir's power and the empire's plentiful resources, victory was ensured and a strong sentinel force at the Xhorhasian border was established. Grimgolir became the new favored home of the dwarves in Wynandir, and many Pride's Call dwarves who lived through those years still hold a grudge — a fact that the Crown deftly wields to exploit both cities.  

Squeezing Silk from a Stone

  The dwarves of Pride's Call produce a number of useful exports, but none are as unique nor as sought after as pride silk. This remarkable fabric can only be woven from materials found in the unique ecosystem of the geothermically active hills around Pride's Call. A special breed of silkworms has developed in these strange conditions. These fist-sized silkworms produce abnormally thin and incredibly resilient strands, and a secret process of reinforcing the threads creates a material similar in texture and appearance to thick silk, but with the strength of treated leather. Affluent folk across Exandria pay handsomely for garments made of pride silk, but rumors are beginning to spread that outsiders have uncovered the secret, and the tradition might be slipping from the grasp of Pride's Call.


The city is comprised of four boroughs built atop and within a cluster of large hills that wrap around the base of the Cyrios Mountains. The two largest boroughs, known as the Tillers and Crafters, are twin sections of mixed residential neighborhoods with areas of concentrated commerce. The Tillers cultivates produce and meats for the city, though most local food has a bland and bitter taste, making spices a popular import. The Crafters contains numerous forges, tanneries, and the well-guarded subterranean silk-production warehouses. Nearest to the mountains is the Vigil borough, where the locally trained Crownsguard mingle with those assigned from Bladegarden to watch over the hillside. The western branch of the Righteous Brand are also stationed in the Vigil borough. Between Vigil and Crafters lies the fourth and smallest borough, called Moot, which is marked by a circular road surrounded by the wealthier houses. The Moot itself is an open, stone forum for discussion and debate that long predates the Dwendalian Empire's rule.

Guilds and Factions

Empire-approved Gods have humble temples alongside the local guilds and businesses, while Myriad agents lurk within the shadows of the city.


Pride's Call is governed by the dwarf who signed the original pact with the Empire. Starosta Ghuldi Demosk spends his twilight years doing what he can to maintain his culture in the face of an increasingly invasive rule. Idealistic and unable to see any error in his judgment, Ghuldi is seen by many as hardheaded among even the most stubborn of dwarves. Many of his people are loudly voicing their discontent, and younger politicians such as Usula Starsburn are rising in popularity to succeed as starosta when Ghuldi eventually passes away. Fearing that he will have to choose between his legacy and the opinions of younger generations, Ghuldi is beginning to exhibit more totalitarian behaviors, slowly becoming a petulant dictator.


While the city's colorful veneer makes it seem a place of plenty, the economy of Pride's Call has been in slow decline for some time. The landscape's strange mineral composition makes its produce a healthy but unsavory and unpopular export, while other goods that previously brought the city prosperity are now more readily and quickly available from traders on the Menagerie Coast. This economic downturn has led to a rise in crime in the impoverished regions of the city, and also opened the door for bolder Myriad activity.

Natural Resources

Pride Silk. The hearty silk unique to the region has long been a point of pride with the locals. When processed and woven properly, the resulting cloth is pride silk: an extremely flexible material with the durability of tanned leather. Pride Silk has become a favorite cloth for use on military ship sails, war banners, and other utilitarian applications, but has also gained popularity in affluent circles. High-end clothing made from pride silk is both fashionable and protective, leading many nobles and wealthy merchants to seek full outfits and formal gowns made with it. The tailors skilled enough to create such outfits are few and far between, so while pride silk might be expensive as a raw material, outfits made of the cloth are prohibitively expensive for most common folk.
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