Rexxar Vex


  • Arrived in Jigow chasing Zalakar but couldn't follow him further so decided to compete in the Fesitval of Merit, as much as anything to pass the time and maybe earn some coin.
  • Learned more about Zalakar and the Tabaxi siblings who are also on his tail.
  • Developed something of a rivalry with them, but also traded info.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall and muscular man with short black hair, a scarred face and a missing eye. He wears a dark leather coat over a chainmail shirt, and carries a heavy crossbow and a dagger. He has a tattoo of a three-headed dog on his neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rexxar was born in Rexxentrum, the capital of the Dwendalian Empire. He grew up in poverty and had to survive on the streets by stealing and fighting.


He discovered his talent for magic at a young age and was recruited by the Cerberus Assembly when he was 15. He underwent rigorous training and indoctrination and became one of their most trusted agents.


He's worked for the Cerberus Assembly his whole life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He has participated in many covert operations, such as assassinations, sabotage, espionage, and infiltration.

Intellectual Characteristics

Rexxar is a ruthless and cunning agent of the Cerberus Assembly, a secretive organization of mages that seeks to advance the interests of the Dwendalian Empire. He is loyal to his superiors and will stop at nothing to complete his missions, even if it means betraying or killing innocent people.   He enjoys inflicting pain and fear on his enemies and has a sadistic sense of humor. He dislikes anyone who opposes the Cerberus Assembly or questions its methods, especially the Cobalt Soul monks and the Kryn Dynasty.

A member of the Cerberus Assembly on the trail of Zalakar of the Myriad.

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