Snarl Firestarter

Lucky's Rival is a gnoll called Snarl Firestarter. He's a resident of Urzin and known to be a bit of a pyromaniac. He once started a fire which caused a half dozen tents to burn down. Only the murky marsh water stopped this causing a huge conflagration in the town. He was dragged before Sunbreaker Olomon where everyone expected him to be exiled, but somehow the champion pardoned him. Rumours abound around why, but many goblins believe Snarl to be a spy for the Dynasty, checking on their loyalty. He is generally mistrusted by the goblinoid underbelly in the town.  


  • Previously unknown to Lucky's his rival is a gnoll warlock. His patron is an Efreeti Lord and the direct rival of Zusfakan.
  • He has now gone off in search of answers to his situation with his new friend Gruk.

Gnoll pyromaniac and Lucky's rival since Urzin.

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