Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon in Exandria | World Anvil
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Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

  Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons. Symbols   The common symbol of Bahamut is a shield with brilliant silver dragon head in profile. The worshipers often carve this symbol to protect themselves during their holy missions. Bahamut is accompanied by two colors — white and silver, which are also the usual clothing palette of his followers.   Commandments of the Platinum Dragon   -Stand as a paragon of honor and justice.   -Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness.   -Defend the weak, bring freedom to the persecuted, and protect the ideals of justice and order.


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