Corellon, the Archeart in Exandria | World Anvil
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Corellon, the Archeart

  Corellon, the Archeart is the deity of arcane magic and the fey. During the Founding, the Archeart wandered the lands, spreading magic and raising the forests. Corellon created the first elves, and so they are considered the Mother and Father of all elves. Centaurs believe the Archeart to be their creator, as well.   Description   Corellon is commonly depicted as an impossibly graceful and beautiful elven being. They are androgynous and alluring, with long golden hair. Many early elven art pieces were inspired by the Archeart, and elements of their visage or symbol can be found in most elven architecture.   Worship   The worshippers of Corellon are those who seek art in all their work, both magic and mundane. The Spider Queen and her priestesses are loathed by followers of the Archeart for leading the drow elves astray.   Commandments of the Archeart   -Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.   -Follow the echoes of lost magic, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the Arch Heart's first works.   -Combat the followers of the Spider Queen wherever they may be.


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