Erathis, the Lawbearer in Exandria | World Anvil
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Erathis, the Lawbearer

  Erathis, the Lawbearer, is the goddess of civilization and laws. She is commonly worshiped by leaders and judges.   Appearance and symbols   The Lawbearer is shown as a hooded, armored woman sitting atop a throne or a throne of pillars, her face obscured or expressionless. She is often depicted with light brown skin and a strong but lithe body.[3][4] She is described as one of the two most dutiful and self-sacrificing of the Prime Deities, alongside Bahamut.   Commandments of the Lawbearer   -Utilize the company and aid of others. The efforts of the individual often pale against the capabilities of community.   -Strive to tame the wilds in the name of civilization, and defend the points of light and order against the chaos of darkness.   -Uphold and revere the spirit of invention. Create new settlements, build where inspiration strikes, and expand the edicts of the Lawbearer.


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