Ioun, the Knowing Mistress in Exandria | World Anvil
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Ioun, the Knowing Mistress

  Ioun, the Knowing Mistress, also known as the Knowing Mentor, is the goddess of knowledge, prophecy, and skill. She opposes Vecna, who deals in dark secrets and hidden knowledge.   Symbols   Ioun is frequently represented in religious iconography by either a triple eye symbol or a unique eye-and-staff symbol.   Appearance   Ioun's avatar appears as an older woman with long, wavy silver hair. Her olive skin is weathered and wrinkled around her almond shaped eyes with purple irises. She wears blue and white robes that tumble out from her form in tendrils of parchment.   Her avatar has a large, darkened gash of black, curling void in her stomach   Commandments of the Knowing Mentor   -Unmask those who would destroy the Knowing Mentor. Learn their secrets and unveil them to the world.   -Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one’s emotions and path.   -Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish liars.


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