Melora, the Wildmother in Exandria | World Anvil
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Melora, the Wildmother

  Melora, the Wildmother is the goddess of wilderness and the sea.[5] She watches over nature, good harvest, grants protection from washing away in storms, and guides the passage of ships   Appearance and symbols   Melora is depicted as a beautiful woman with green or deep brown skin with a strong, full figured body, and she is nearly fully enveloped by wild tangle of hair, leaves, and vines. Her image is often found carved into wooden reliefs and idols in groves and rural shrines.   Commandments of the Wildmother   -Protect the untamed wilderness from exploitation and destruction.   -Slay abominations and other mockeries of nature.   -Embrace and respect that which you cannot control in this world. Exist in harmony with it


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