Pelor, the Dawnfather in Exandria | World Anvil
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Pelor, the Dawnfather

Pelor, the Dawnfather is the god of the sun, summer, and agriculture, and is generally worshiped by farmers and people who live off the land. He is one of the prime creator gods of Exandria. He planted the Sun Tree in Whitestone.   Background   During the Founding, when the Primordials' destructive forces made it impossible for the gods' newly created races to survive and the Betrayer Gods sided with the Primordials in preferring to wipe out the mortal races and try anew elsewhere, Pelor was one of the Prime Deities who fought to protect the mortals. Once the Primordials and Betrayer Gods were defeated and banished to other planes, it was safe for the new races to inhabit Exandria.   During the Age of Arcanum, Vecna's attempt at the Ritual of Seeding was interrupted by the Beacon of Arms, an army under the banner of the Dawnfather. Led by Yos Varda, they successfully defeated Vecna and his forces, though very few members of the army survived.   After Archmage Vespin Chloras broke open the Betrayer Gods' prisons, Pelor and the other Prime Deities aided the citizens of Vasselheim against the Betrayer Gods. They ultimately succeeded, and began preparing for war.   During that war, called the Calamity, Pelor worked with a few other Prime Deities to defeat Torog, the Crawling King. Moradin and Sehanine had built a trap for Torog, and Pelor and Sarenrae drew the Betrayer above ground, where Pelor pierced Torog's body with thousands of lances of sunlight and Sarenrae imprisoned him. Torog was eventually banished to a sliver of the Far Realm bordering the deepest parts of the Underdark, though this was accomplished later, as Sarenrae had been betrayed before the sealing of the Betrayer Gods began.   Towards the end of the Calamity, Ioun baited Tharizdun to her central ziggurat but was nearly destroyed in the process. Pelor's vengeful battle with the Chained Oblivion was so violent it created the valley where the Parchwood Timberlands currently stands, and raised the Alabaster Sierras. Pelor used all of his power to beat down Tharizdun, then chased the defeated Tharizdun to Gatshadow, where the Rites of Prime Banishment were used for the first time: he attached four Prime Trammels to the mad god and banished it to the Abyss. He then returned to the place where Ioun's ziggurat had sunk beneath the earth and planted the seed that would become the Sun Tree.   When the Betrayer Gods were all defeated, Pelor and the other Prime Deities retreated from the Material Plane and created the Divine Gate behind them in the hopes of preventing the Betrayer Gods from crossing over into mortal realms again.   Commandments of the Dawnfather   -Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.   -Help relieve the suffering of the innocent.   -Deliver the light of the Dawnfather where darkness dwells, and do so with kindness, compassion, and mercy.


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