The Raven Queen in Exandria | World Anvil
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The Raven Queen

  The Raven Queen, also commonly known as the Matron of Ravens or the Matron of Death, is the goddess of death, fate, and winter; she's also considered the goddess of twilight, inevitability and the passage of time, presiding over the transition between life and death.[6] Originally a mortal woman in the Age of Arcanum, she ascended to godhood and destroyed the previous god of death. After her ascension, her true name has long been lost. Her devotees seek her favor to guide them in death and prevent the curse of undeath from falling on them.   Because of her hatred of undeath, she and the Demon Prince of Undeath, Orcus, are fierce enemies. The Duskmeadow District of Vasselheim is devoted to worshiping her and is also where her temple, Raven's Crest, is located.   Appearance   The Raven Queen is described as a tall and slender woman, with flowing black hair and pale, porcelain skin. She almost always   Commandments of the Matron of Ravens -Death is the natural end of life. Grieve the fallen, but do not pity them. Exult in the time that they were granted.   -The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully cast off destiny must be punished.   -Undeath is an atrocity. Death is too good a punishment for those who pervert the rightful transition of the soulwears a blank, porcelain mask. On the rare occasions she removes it, she is described as a beautiful woman with red irises.


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