Tormi Angrund Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Tormi Angrund

Tormi has fallen pray to an extra planar entity, The Marid. She has now somehow escaped Caed Nua and is seemingly under the control of the Marid.   The Silver Feathers believe she will be sailing to Urukaxyl.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Tormi was confronted in her tent late at night by Fia. Sensing Fia was in the jungles of Urukaxyl for only one purpose Tormi used her scroll of teleportation to flee.  
Tromi is not magically asleep, courtesy of Lord Baraxis.

Tormi has fallen pray to an extra planar entity, The Marid. She has now somehow escaped Caed Nua and is seemingly under the control of the Marid

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