Sinfar Moonshadow Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Sinfar Moonshadow

Valera's husband as of two years ago. Despite the not inconsiderable difference in age Sinfar is obviously and extraordinarily in love with his young wife and wishes to spend the rest of her life with her. Maybe even the rest of his, you never know.   In the eyes of the elves Sinfar would be seen as a young adult.   Uncharacteristically for an elf, he is quite muscular with broad shoulders, though his soft grey eyes and long silver hair somewhat ease this. He is around two inches taller than his wife.   Sinfar is an ordained priest and cleric of Sehanine, the Moonweaver.   He lives in a small shrine next to a grove, around a quarter of an hour outside of Vandrath's city walls on foot.

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